Sunday, October 24, 2010

October 23

We had a sick week. Seth started out last Sunday. He had a high fever and croup and runny nose all week. He was so clingy and grumpy. I'm not used to that from him. He always wanted to be held standing up; he'd get mad if I tried to sit down or lay down with him. I took him in and got medicine for the start of an ear infection, but the Dr said most of the symptoms were just from a virus. Finally on Friday the fever went away and he started doing better. Aaron got sick on Thursday. His wasn't as bad, but he's still coughing quite a bit. And I got it Friday night. We need to get all these germs out of the house before the baby comes.

We had a stake Relief Society retreat this weekend. It was good, and so nice to get out of the house after a week of staying home with sick kids.

I'm going to have to come up with some kind of system for Sundays. I think I'll be ok with getting kids ready for church. We don't go until 11:00, so I just need to use the morning well and mostly just get us all ready and save any other Sunday activities until after church. But I need some motivators for kids to be reverent and helpful at church. I think I'll set up a little meeting with them to figure out what they want to earn with their good behavior.

I got released from Beehives today. I'm going to teach 12-13 yr-old sunday school now. I'm really going to miss young women. I got to go to RS for the first time in a year today. It was great, but also sad to think what I was missing.

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