Sunday, October 17, 2010

October 17

I guess I never finished last weekend. Bob was put in as second counselor last Sunday. I think it'll be so great for him. He's taken it so seriously and has been working hard to keep the Spirit with him and to be prepared to do what he'll need to. He's always kept his testimony and spiritual things pretty quiet. I remember when we were dating and first married, that was hard for me, but I've gotten used to it mostly. But I'm excited to see more of that come out with this calling.

My parents came last weekend for a super quick trip so my dad could ordain Bob a High Priest; at least that was the original plan. But then last Wednesday the Stake President called us in and asked Bob about this new calling. So my parents got to be here for both. That was so nice to have them here. I love them so much. They got to go to soccer and tennis with us and we celebrated Aaron's birthday a little. And then they were with us on Sunday for all the things that went on. Bob got two wonderful blessings for High Priest and second counselor. At the end of the second counselor blessing I thought it was kind of funny because it said that Bob should be mindful or helpful of me or something because I would sacrifice a lot for this calling, but "that's just the way things are". Which is true, but it just sounded funny to be so matter-of-fact in the blessing. I've already had several offers from people to help me in sacrament meeting. Now I just need to figure out what's going to work best. Today's my first test! We'll see how it goes.

We had Aaron's birthday party on Friday. We had it at a park. He had six little boys come. It was Star Wars themed. He helped me make the lego star wars flags to go in the top of the cupcakes. And he filled all the treat bags. He was so excited. We played on the playground most of the time, but we also did some duck, duck, goose and red light, green light and did presents and cupcakes. It was nice not to have to clean the house or worry about the house being too full of boys, but Bob took most of the responsibility for watching the kids on the playground and he said it was too much work. Aaron got a ton of star wars toys and a few other things like the marble run game and a Cars toy. He's loved playing with all of them.

Linda and Trina came to visit this weekend. They stayed over on the Air Force Base, so that was really easy for me to not have to do bedding or towels, etc. They went to Aaron's party and the boys' soccer games and we watched a movie and had ice cream sundays at night.

We had a halloween party on Wednesday with the Deans and the Meeks (from Kata's ward). It was great. It was at Kata's new house, so there was plenty of room. We tie-dyed t-shirts again and the kids made ghosts and pumpkins and frankensteins out of suckers. And they went swimming. The Deans just moved in about two weeks ago, and all the kids hadn't had a chance to swim in their new pool yet. Our weather is still in the 90s, but the water was a little cold, but the kids hardly noticed. They had a great time. And then all our husbands weren't coming home until after dinner, so we got pizza a stayed until about 6:30. What a fun tradition!

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