Sunday, April 22, 2012

April 22, 2012

I just took Ruby to the ER this morning during sacrament meeting.  She tripped on the hose in the grass and cut her forehead really bad.  Luckily they could glue it so that should give us the best chance of minimal scarring.  Poor little girl. She also fell down the stairs this week.  She was fine, though.  She's just going through a clumsy stage I guess.

Bob got released from the bishopric today. I missed it because I was at the hospital.  I'm sad I missed his testimony. But it'll be nice to have him with us on Sundays again. 

I sewed a dress for Ruby this week.  It was so much faster than the Easter dresses.  It just took an hour or two.

I started a new class at the gym.  It's a strength training class and I took Ruby and Seth to the gym with me.  They did pretty well there.  Ruby cried a little. Hopefully they'll start liking it more because I'd like to do the class.

I don't think I've been doing my best to serve my family and others. I feel like I've been a little out of control and crazy.  I just can't keep up and instead of stopping and regrouping, I just keep going but not fully succeeding.  So I'm trying to get my feet under myself better.  Our budget has been doing better since our meeting last week.  My perspective on it is better.  I need to do that with my whole life.  So I ready my patriarchal blessing and here are some of the things I came up with.

“The Lord has blessed you with gifts and talents that He expects you to develop and to use in furthering His work. Continue to study and through prayer and through righteous living you will be strengthened where you will be able to fulfill the purpose the Lord has for you. I bless you that you will recognize and know what the Lord expects of you.By following the promptings of the Holy Ghost that will come to you, you will be guided and directed in all things.”

What are my gifts and talents:
  • fairly good at accomplishing things
  • good at talking and listening one on one
  • I have a nice home that is great for entertaining/swim parties

Ideas for things to work on/how to serve:
  • Hang out with Erica more. Invite her to church things
  • Talk to Sandy and May more. Bring up gospel things
  • Help Kata more, have kids over
  • Start sewing group. Invite lots of ladies. Joan Faircloth, Jan LaVoie

Things I can do for my family:
  • Weekly dates with Bob (Quarterly nights out/trade off with Deans?)
  • Start back to praying for family member everyday and looking for direction, keep record
  • Put more effort into foods in our house and better nutrition/snacks for all of us
  • Pray before talking to kids at night

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