Monday, April 30, 2012

April 30, 2012

I've started focusing on praying for each kid on their own day again.  I feel like I can concentrate better and receive more answers for them that way.  So today is Danny's day.  I started praying for him and all that would come out was asking to give him opportunities to rely on the Spirit and recognize what is really important.  I tried a couple of times to back off and rephrase things so I could ask for blessings for him, but not really anything too hard.  But I couldn't. I tried three times and different words came out, but the same meaning.  And I remembered Danny's father's blessing from the start of the school year. It said "You will be able to listen to the Spirit and recognize it. The Spirit will help you when your safety is at risk."  I remember that scaring me last fall.  I need to make sure Danny is ready when he needs the Spirit. I'm going to make sure he's saying meaningful personal prayers and at least reading one verse a day on his own.

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