Sunday, April 29, 2012

April 29, 2012

Bob came home with us today.  And he sat with us in church. It was so nice. And he was just called as the Cub Master.

We went camping this weekend at Valley of Fire--our regular camping trip. We had hot dogs and smores and donuts.  So easy.  The weather was perfect.  I love it because as soon as we get there, the kids are all best friends.  They play and climb and help each other. Dreamy. Ruby didn't love it as much as I thought she would.  Maybe because all the other kids would leave and climb and she was stuck with me and Bob most of the time. We came back Saturday morning in time for tennis and two baseball games.

This week, after finding out last week that we don't need to have more kids, I can barely remember how hard it was when Ruby was a baby.  That was so strong in my mind as I thought about having more kids.  But, now for whatever reason, that's gone.

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