We had a wonderful Christmas. The week was great with the kids home. I was nervous about fighting and teasing, but the kids were great. For some reason Danny stopped teasing. And it made such a huge impact--Aaron wasn't on edge all the time and they all played so nicely. Aaron still had tantrums about not being able to do things, or losing at the Wii, but they were totally manageable compared to the fighting tantrums. I talked to Danny and told him I was proud of him, but he never told me what made the difference for him. I love it, though. We went to the park one day and to the library one day. It was rainy all week, so one day the kids played in the puddles in the backyard. I made two kinds of fudge to give away this year and we all delivered it one night; the kids had a lot of fun taking treats to their friends and teachers.
My parents and Kristal and Dustin got here on Friday morning early. All but Kristal, Ruby, Seth and I went up to Mt. Charleston to go sledding. They had a great time. That night we had the nativity and they kids opened the presents they got for each other.
Christmas morning we got up at 6:50 am. Rachel got her Nintendo DSI that she wanted and Aaron and Danny got an ATV powerwheels. Seth got a blow-up trampoline for in the house. And I got our family to be sickness-free for the whole week before Christmas, which I had really wanted! It was a really nice Christmas. We're so blessed.
My parents will leave tomorrow morning and I'm looking forward to another great week. I'm going out to dinner on Tues with some friends from church for my birthday. And then Bob got a babysitter on Wednesday, my birthday, and he took half the day off, so he and Ruby and I will go shopping and out to dinner. Then Thursday we'll go to Ryan's for the weekend.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Sunday, December 19, 2010
December 18
We've had at least one person sick in our house for over six weeks now. We were sick before Ruby came and every day since. I've had a slight cold here and there, but not too sick. But this week was my turn. I got pink eye and tonsillitis. I've been sick since Tuesday and I'm just starting to feel better today. Bob has really stepped up to help. He's stayed home a lot to help and taken lots of turns at night. But, thankfully, Ruby has been healthy this whole time. So maybe I'm at least giving her some antibodies to help her fight whatever I have. I'm praying for a healthy Christmas break with the kids. It'll be a little crazy with all of them home all day anyway, but if they're sick, it'll be harder.
Ruby went to her appointment this week. She's up to 10 lbs. The doctor said she'd probably just grow out of the reflux and didn't want to prescribe anything yet. As long as it doesn't get as bad as it did for Aaron, it'll be ok. So I don't even try to lay her down anymore. She sleeps on us, or in her swing or carseat. And during the day I use her baby bjorn alot to keep her upright. She sleeps great in it and it seems to be helping her spitting up a little. She's started being grumpy from about 8-11 pm and then restless again from 4-6 am; so we don't get very much rest at night. But she's so cute cuddly and she's smiling at us more and more.
Because I was sick, we didn't do too much for Christmas traditions this week. But on Monday we went and drove through the Gift of Lights. The kids all loved it. And yesterday we all went over to the Deans and had pizza and made candy trains. The kids had their Christmas parties at school and now it's Christmas break. We'll make fudge and treats this week to take to friends and teachers. And tonight we're going to sleep under the Christmas tree. My family will get here on Thursday. I'm excited about that.
We heard from our real estate agent that our house will probably close at the end of January; they think they just about have the final approval for the short sale. We're so excited to get more space. It'll be great to have all of January to pack and then be able to get into the house. Hopefully Ruby will cooperate with packing.
We get a little nervous sometimes about having two houses, but we really feel like the Lord provided this opportunity for us and if we keep working hard, things will work out. I was reading my Patriarchal blessing this week and it talks about our necessities will always be provided and even in difficult times, our needs will be met. As I read it I realized our necessities were met as well as our wants with this house. I remember being worried that we'd never be able to move to something bigger when the real estate prices were all going down. But I remember having the feeling that when we had five kids, we'd be able to get a bigger house. At that time we didn't even know if we would have five. But this house has worked out right in the midst of having five kids. Debbie told us that they prayed about short selling their house in February, but didn't feel right about it, but in July when they prayed about it, even though nothing had changed for them financially in that time, it did feel right then. We wouldn't have been ready to buy their house if it had gone up for sale in February. There are so many things like that that have made us feel this is a move that will be good for our family and that Heavenly Father approves of this choice.
Ruby went to her appointment this week. She's up to 10 lbs. The doctor said she'd probably just grow out of the reflux and didn't want to prescribe anything yet. As long as it doesn't get as bad as it did for Aaron, it'll be ok. So I don't even try to lay her down anymore. She sleeps on us, or in her swing or carseat. And during the day I use her baby bjorn alot to keep her upright. She sleeps great in it and it seems to be helping her spitting up a little. She's started being grumpy from about 8-11 pm and then restless again from 4-6 am; so we don't get very much rest at night. But she's so cute cuddly and she's smiling at us more and more.
Because I was sick, we didn't do too much for Christmas traditions this week. But on Monday we went and drove through the Gift of Lights. The kids all loved it. And yesterday we all went over to the Deans and had pizza and made candy trains. The kids had their Christmas parties at school and now it's Christmas break. We'll make fudge and treats this week to take to friends and teachers. And tonight we're going to sleep under the Christmas tree. My family will get here on Thursday. I'm excited about that.
We heard from our real estate agent that our house will probably close at the end of January; they think they just about have the final approval for the short sale. We're so excited to get more space. It'll be great to have all of January to pack and then be able to get into the house. Hopefully Ruby will cooperate with packing.
We get a little nervous sometimes about having two houses, but we really feel like the Lord provided this opportunity for us and if we keep working hard, things will work out. I was reading my Patriarchal blessing this week and it talks about our necessities will always be provided and even in difficult times, our needs will be met. As I read it I realized our necessities were met as well as our wants with this house. I remember being worried that we'd never be able to move to something bigger when the real estate prices were all going down. But I remember having the feeling that when we had five kids, we'd be able to get a bigger house. At that time we didn't even know if we would have five. But this house has worked out right in the midst of having five kids. Debbie told us that they prayed about short selling their house in February, but didn't feel right about it, but in July when they prayed about it, even though nothing had changed for them financially in that time, it did feel right then. We wouldn't have been ready to buy their house if it had gone up for sale in February. There are so many things like that that have made us feel this is a move that will be good for our family and that Heavenly Father approves of this choice.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
December 12
I'm getting more energy and getting more used to how many little people are in our house now. I'm done bleeding now, which is the earliest that has ever happened for me. And hopefully I'll be able to start exercising in a week or so. I still have 15 pounds to lose to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight. I'm excited to be able to go to the gym and get back into swimming and spinning and exercise as hard as I want and not have to worry about my heart rate getting too high or my knees bumping into my stomach or anything like that.
I'm always amazed at how blessed I am as a mom especially when I have a new baby around. It's so hard to get used to all the work and lack of sleep the first few months. This time I've really noticed those blessings in an increase in patience. I was worried before Ruby came that I'd be inpatient and not as loving as I should be to the other kids. I started praying a few months ago that I'd be able to be nice when I was sleep deprived. This week I've noticed how calm I've been with the kids the last few weeks even with a new baby and then I remembered my prayer and I realized it is my prayer being answered.
Ruby is one month now. She's filling in nicely. She still isn't really round, but she's not so scrawny and wrinkly looking. She's smiling a little. And she's spitting up a ton! I'm taking her in for a checkup and to see if she has reflux tomorrow. She can't ever sleep laying down because she'll choke or just spit up all over herself. So Bob and I take turns sleeping in the recliner or on the couch with her to keep her at least at an angle a little.
We started a new Christmas tradition last night. We had a fondue party. We had cheese fondue for dinner, which the kids love. Then we had chocolate fondue for dessert. Then we watched a Christmas movie.
I'm just about done with Christmas shopping. Just a few little things to even the kids out and stocking stuffers. I think Bob and I are going to go take care of those last things together this weekend.
I'm always amazed at how blessed I am as a mom especially when I have a new baby around. It's so hard to get used to all the work and lack of sleep the first few months. This time I've really noticed those blessings in an increase in patience. I was worried before Ruby came that I'd be inpatient and not as loving as I should be to the other kids. I started praying a few months ago that I'd be able to be nice when I was sleep deprived. This week I've noticed how calm I've been with the kids the last few weeks even with a new baby and then I remembered my prayer and I realized it is my prayer being answered.
Ruby is one month now. She's filling in nicely. She still isn't really round, but she's not so scrawny and wrinkly looking. She's smiling a little. And she's spitting up a ton! I'm taking her in for a checkup and to see if she has reflux tomorrow. She can't ever sleep laying down because she'll choke or just spit up all over herself. So Bob and I take turns sleeping in the recliner or on the couch with her to keep her at least at an angle a little.
We started a new Christmas tradition last night. We had a fondue party. We had cheese fondue for dinner, which the kids love. Then we had chocolate fondue for dessert. Then we watched a Christmas movie.
I'm just about done with Christmas shopping. Just a few little things to even the kids out and stocking stuffers. I think Bob and I are going to go take care of those last things together this weekend.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
December 8
My mom came on the 21st to help with Ruby. She's so great. I'm so thankful for her. She helped clean and shop for Thanksgiving. Then Casey, Kami, Kristal, and my Dad came Tuesday night. We had a great meal and went to see the movie "Megamind" on Thanksgiving and we had a nice time being together. Saturday night we went to see the Cactus garden at the Chocolate Factory. Our kids look forward to that every year.
Then this week was my first on my own. It wasn't too bad. Except for having to drive the carpool, that was a pain. But I shouldn't have to drive again until January, so that will help a lot. I did the vacuuming and went to Sam's club this week, that was too much too soon apparently because I started feeling bad again. Hopefully I'll get back on track faster this time and I'll let Bob do the vacuuming this week.
Ruby is really spitting up a lot now. Rachel spit up a lot too, but not as much as Ruby. It makes night time really difficult. Because if we don't keep her up to get all the burps out, then she'll be a little fountain when we lay her down.
Ruby was blessed when she was 2 weeks old because that's when we had the most family here. My dad and Casey and the Bishop Williams, Steve Whittle, and Foi Tuitama participated in the blessing. It was a nice blessing. Ruby was quiet for the whole thing. And she looked so pretty in her white blessing dress.
The kids are all loving Ruby. Danny and Rachel can carry her around and love to hold her. Aaron sits down to hold her, but asks to all the time. He's really good with babies. And Seth still loves the baby too and asks to hold her quite often. Seth has really adjusted to having a new baby really well. He doesn't seem to resent her or me since I spend so much time with her. Seth is still such a happy boy. And he's really starting to try to say a lot more words. He's still missing many sounds, but he has his own version of words and we're understanding more of what he says.
Danny is really helpful and thoughtful with Ruby. He tries so hard to make good choices. And he knows so much about the gospel. He's a great friend to his friends and he's fun to talk to. He and Aaron fight quite often, but I guess that's normal for brothers. But when he and Rachel and Aaron get playing together it's so wonderful.
Rachel is quite social. She has many friends and acquaintances at school. She has such a good time with her core group of friends. She works hard on her homework and is the top in her class. She is loving piano and tennis. She's been doing tennis for four months. At first she wasn't so sure about it, but now she's doing great and having fun, even though Jaclyn doesn't do it anymore. I'm so happy she likes it. I just wanted something she could have fun at and feel like she does well. Her coaches are great and they practice really close to home too.
Aaron is getting past some of his tantrums. He's doing great at his preschool this year. He's so smart and he wants to learn and do well, so I don't need to fight him to do his work or go to school, which is so nice. He still has tantrums and is very strong-willed, but it's getting so much better. He's a great help with Ruby and he and Seth are starting to be able to play together.
Then this week was my first on my own. It wasn't too bad. Except for having to drive the carpool, that was a pain. But I shouldn't have to drive again until January, so that will help a lot. I did the vacuuming and went to Sam's club this week, that was too much too soon apparently because I started feeling bad again. Hopefully I'll get back on track faster this time and I'll let Bob do the vacuuming this week.
Ruby is really spitting up a lot now. Rachel spit up a lot too, but not as much as Ruby. It makes night time really difficult. Because if we don't keep her up to get all the burps out, then she'll be a little fountain when we lay her down.
Ruby was blessed when she was 2 weeks old because that's when we had the most family here. My dad and Casey and the Bishop Williams, Steve Whittle, and Foi Tuitama participated in the blessing. It was a nice blessing. Ruby was quiet for the whole thing. And she looked so pretty in her white blessing dress.
The kids are all loving Ruby. Danny and Rachel can carry her around and love to hold her. Aaron sits down to hold her, but asks to all the time. He's really good with babies. And Seth still loves the baby too and asks to hold her quite often. Seth has really adjusted to having a new baby really well. He doesn't seem to resent her or me since I spend so much time with her. Seth is still such a happy boy. And he's really starting to try to say a lot more words. He's still missing many sounds, but he has his own version of words and we're understanding more of what he says.
Danny is really helpful and thoughtful with Ruby. He tries so hard to make good choices. And he knows so much about the gospel. He's a great friend to his friends and he's fun to talk to. He and Aaron fight quite often, but I guess that's normal for brothers. But when he and Rachel and Aaron get playing together it's so wonderful.
Rachel is quite social. She has many friends and acquaintances at school. She has such a good time with her core group of friends. She works hard on her homework and is the top in her class. She is loving piano and tennis. She's been doing tennis for four months. At first she wasn't so sure about it, but now she's doing great and having fun, even though Jaclyn doesn't do it anymore. I'm so happy she likes it. I just wanted something she could have fun at and feel like she does well. Her coaches are great and they practice really close to home too.
Aaron is getting past some of his tantrums. He's doing great at his preschool this year. He's so smart and he wants to learn and do well, so I don't need to fight him to do his work or go to school, which is so nice. He still has tantrums and is very strong-willed, but it's getting so much better. He's a great help with Ruby and he and Seth are starting to be able to play together.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
November 21
I'm feeling better every day. I still don't have my usual energy, but it's coming back. And Ruby is doing so well. She sleeps pretty well at night. She gets up 3 or 4 times, but unless she has a messy diaper, she goes right back to sleep. And Bob has been taking care of the other kids at night.
I've been totally taking advantage of my recovery time. I haven't been doing any websites and Bob's been doing most of the cleaning. I haven't left the house unless I absolutely have to. And I kind of like it. I never get the chance to not do anything or stay home all day for several days and usually I like being busy. But right now this break is nice.
I've been totally taking advantage of my recovery time. I haven't been doing any websites and Bob's been doing most of the cleaning. I haven't left the house unless I absolutely have to. And I kind of like it. I never get the chance to not do anything or stay home all day for several days and usually I like being busy. But right now this break is nice.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
November 16
Ruby Jean Cox is here! She was born November 11 at 5:43 p.m. She was 7 lbs. 13 oz and 20 1/2 inches long. We went in to the hospital at 10:00 a.m. for my scheduled induction. It's so organized when it's scheduled, versus going into labor on my own. They checked me in and put me on the monitors and IV. They gave me antibiotics because I wasn't Group B strep positive this time, but I have been in the past. My doctor, Tammy Kelly, the same as with Seth, wanted me to have two doses of antibiotics before she would break my water, so that wasn't going to be until 7:30 at night. They never worried about that before, but I guess it's different when it's scheduled. So Bob and I just hung out and watched TV for most of the afternoon. Around 4:00 the contractions started getting harder and I asked for an epidural. I was at 4 cm when I came in and at 4:00 I was at 5 cm. The nurse said it should take 20 minutes for the anesthesiologist to get there, but he took 90 minutes. And in those 90 minutes I went from a 5 to 10 cm and being able to feel her head. The last half hour was so painful. My water broke on it's own right after they got the epidural in. Then the doctor ran in and I pushed twice and she was here. I didn't tear or anything. And she was healthy and beautiful.
I stayed at the hospital until Saturday morning. It was nice to have two nights there this time. I needed a little extra time to get prepared for coming home to five kids. When I went from 3 to 4 kids, I hardly noticed the difference. It probably helped to have the bigger gap between Aaron and Seth. But I definitely notice the difference already in going from 4 to 5 kids. It just feels like there are so many little people around here!
The kids all stayed with the Deans on Thursday and the older ones stayed the night even because they were so excited to have a sleep over. Then Bob brought them to meet Ruby on Friday morning. They were all so excited, especially Seth. Then Bob got a babysitter for the afternoon on Friday and Bob came to the hospital to spend time with us. And Kata watched the kids again on Saturday morning when Bob came to get us. Kata helped me so much with the kids this weekend, she's such a great friend.
We had a nice peaceful Saturday afternoon until Danny started throwing up that night. He was sick all night so Bob spent that night with Danny and I stayed up with Ruby. And Aaron's allergies were acting up so he was coughing all over the place. And Seth's nose started running on Sunday. So Bob went to church because he had to conduct Sacrament meeting and I stayed home with all the kids. Danny was better by Sunday night, but Seth's cold got bad and Bob was up with him most of Sunday night. Today Seth is starting to feel better. Luckily Ruby doesn't show any signs of sickness. I can tell that this winter is going to be a lot of fun. I need to stock up on hand sanitizer and paper towels.
Seth has had a bit of a hard time adjusting to Ruby so far. He loves her and is so excited when he sees her, but I haven't been able to pick him up and carry him much because I'm so weak still. And now that he's sick I have to keep him away from Ruby so much. Hopefully he'll get healthy soon and things will normalize a little for him.
My mom will get here Sunday night and then Dad, Dustin, Kristal, Casey and Kami will all come for Thanksgiving and for Ruby's blessing on Sunday.
I stayed at the hospital until Saturday morning. It was nice to have two nights there this time. I needed a little extra time to get prepared for coming home to five kids. When I went from 3 to 4 kids, I hardly noticed the difference. It probably helped to have the bigger gap between Aaron and Seth. But I definitely notice the difference already in going from 4 to 5 kids. It just feels like there are so many little people around here!
The kids all stayed with the Deans on Thursday and the older ones stayed the night even because they were so excited to have a sleep over. Then Bob brought them to meet Ruby on Friday morning. They were all so excited, especially Seth. Then Bob got a babysitter for the afternoon on Friday and Bob came to the hospital to spend time with us. And Kata watched the kids again on Saturday morning when Bob came to get us. Kata helped me so much with the kids this weekend, she's such a great friend.
We had a nice peaceful Saturday afternoon until Danny started throwing up that night. He was sick all night so Bob spent that night with Danny and I stayed up with Ruby. And Aaron's allergies were acting up so he was coughing all over the place. And Seth's nose started running on Sunday. So Bob went to church because he had to conduct Sacrament meeting and I stayed home with all the kids. Danny was better by Sunday night, but Seth's cold got bad and Bob was up with him most of Sunday night. Today Seth is starting to feel better. Luckily Ruby doesn't show any signs of sickness. I can tell that this winter is going to be a lot of fun. I need to stock up on hand sanitizer and paper towels.
Seth has had a bit of a hard time adjusting to Ruby so far. He loves her and is so excited when he sees her, but I haven't been able to pick him up and carry him much because I'm so weak still. And now that he's sick I have to keep him away from Ruby so much. Hopefully he'll get healthy soon and things will normalize a little for him.
My mom will get here Sunday night and then Dad, Dustin, Kristal, Casey and Kami will all come for Thanksgiving and for Ruby's blessing on Sunday.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
November 7
I hate false labor. I've had it all week. I got my hopes up on Monday. I had contractions every 3 minutes for 4 hours so we got a babysitter and went in and they sent me home because I wasn't dilating. Then Friday night I had contractions all night, but when I got up in the morning they stopped. I had my appointment on Thursday and I scheduled an induction for next thursday the 11th. I've never wanted to be induced before, but I'm tired of waiting. I like having an end in sight. That would be one week before my due date.
We went to all the kids soccer games and tennis yesterday morning. Danny scored his first goal of the season. And Rachel is really liking tennis and she's getting pretty good. It's just what I hoped it would do for her. Then at night we went to Adult Stake conference. I love that. They talked mostly about strengthening our families through communication and keeping out evil. I need to be better about leaving time to listen to the spirit so I can know what I should do for my kids.
We're all healthy now. Aaron was still really coughing earlier in the week, so I took him to the doctor. He said it was just allergies. I'm having a hard time with these kids and their allergies. I don't have them, so I never know when allergy season is coming. But he's been on allergy medicine for a week and he's doing great.
We went to all the kids soccer games and tennis yesterday morning. Danny scored his first goal of the season. And Rachel is really liking tennis and she's getting pretty good. It's just what I hoped it would do for her. Then at night we went to Adult Stake conference. I love that. They talked mostly about strengthening our families through communication and keeping out evil. I need to be better about leaving time to listen to the spirit so I can know what I should do for my kids.
We're all healthy now. Aaron was still really coughing earlier in the week, so I took him to the doctor. He said it was just allergies. I'm having a hard time with these kids and their allergies. I don't have them, so I never know when allergy season is coming. But he's been on allergy medicine for a week and he's doing great.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
October 31
We're mostly getting better. Aaron still has a cough though and I'm still pretty congested, but other than that we both feel fine. I'm really hoping both of us can clear it up before Ruby comes!
Joan Faircloth in our ward offered to adopt our families to help on Sundays. I love her. I visit taught her for a year or so when we were newer in the ward. She's an awesome lady. She has kids my age and grandkids, so we won't be disrupting her family too much. We sat in front of them today and it was so nice to know there was someone there to help. I didn't have to take Seth out today, but when I didn't have enough pens or paper, she was always very quick to offer hers for the kids. She said next week she'd bring toys. She's so great. And several people have offered to hold the baby, which will also be helpful.
Today is Halloween. We had a little bit of a hard time deciding what to do today for celebrating. We had a ward trunk or treat on Thurs, which was going to be enough, until May next door asked us when we'd be bringing our kids by for trick or treating. We could tell they were looking forward to seeing our kids. Then we got invited to dinner and trick or treating with a few families in our ward. So we decided we'll go over for dinner and then we'll come home and trick or treat to Sandy and May, Jack, Joanne and Larry--all the cute older people on our street who would notice if our kids didn't come to their houses. Bob says we can count it like visiting the elderly. Then we'll come home and have brownie sundays and and watch the Halloween specials on tv.
I'm so ready for Ruby to come! On Thursday and my appointment the Dr. said I'm at 3 cm, so at least things are moving. But I'm 37 weeks weeks today and I'm so done being huge and getting up 4 or 5 times in the night for no good reason. The kids and I jumped on the trampoline today. And we walked to the park on friday and I had contractions every 10 minutes for a couple of hours, but they stopped when I went to bed. I'm hoping she's coming in the next day or two. Hopefully she'll cooperate.
Joan Faircloth in our ward offered to adopt our families to help on Sundays. I love her. I visit taught her for a year or so when we were newer in the ward. She's an awesome lady. She has kids my age and grandkids, so we won't be disrupting her family too much. We sat in front of them today and it was so nice to know there was someone there to help. I didn't have to take Seth out today, but when I didn't have enough pens or paper, she was always very quick to offer hers for the kids. She said next week she'd bring toys. She's so great. And several people have offered to hold the baby, which will also be helpful.
Today is Halloween. We had a little bit of a hard time deciding what to do today for celebrating. We had a ward trunk or treat on Thurs, which was going to be enough, until May next door asked us when we'd be bringing our kids by for trick or treating. We could tell they were looking forward to seeing our kids. Then we got invited to dinner and trick or treating with a few families in our ward. So we decided we'll go over for dinner and then we'll come home and trick or treat to Sandy and May, Jack, Joanne and Larry--all the cute older people on our street who would notice if our kids didn't come to their houses. Bob says we can count it like visiting the elderly. Then we'll come home and have brownie sundays and and watch the Halloween specials on tv.
I'm so ready for Ruby to come! On Thursday and my appointment the Dr. said I'm at 3 cm, so at least things are moving. But I'm 37 weeks weeks today and I'm so done being huge and getting up 4 or 5 times in the night for no good reason. The kids and I jumped on the trampoline today. And we walked to the park on friday and I had contractions every 10 minutes for a couple of hours, but they stopped when I went to bed. I'm hoping she's coming in the next day or two. Hopefully she'll cooperate.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
October 23
We had a sick week. Seth started out last Sunday. He had a high fever and croup and runny nose all week. He was so clingy and grumpy. I'm not used to that from him. He always wanted to be held standing up; he'd get mad if I tried to sit down or lay down with him. I took him in and got medicine for the start of an ear infection, but the Dr said most of the symptoms were just from a virus. Finally on Friday the fever went away and he started doing better. Aaron got sick on Thursday. His wasn't as bad, but he's still coughing quite a bit. And I got it Friday night. We need to get all these germs out of the house before the baby comes.
We had a stake Relief Society retreat this weekend. It was good, and so nice to get out of the house after a week of staying home with sick kids.
I'm going to have to come up with some kind of system for Sundays. I think I'll be ok with getting kids ready for church. We don't go until 11:00, so I just need to use the morning well and mostly just get us all ready and save any other Sunday activities until after church. But I need some motivators for kids to be reverent and helpful at church. I think I'll set up a little meeting with them to figure out what they want to earn with their good behavior.
I got released from Beehives today. I'm going to teach 12-13 yr-old sunday school now. I'm really going to miss young women. I got to go to RS for the first time in a year today. It was great, but also sad to think what I was missing.
We had a stake Relief Society retreat this weekend. It was good, and so nice to get out of the house after a week of staying home with sick kids.
I'm going to have to come up with some kind of system for Sundays. I think I'll be ok with getting kids ready for church. We don't go until 11:00, so I just need to use the morning well and mostly just get us all ready and save any other Sunday activities until after church. But I need some motivators for kids to be reverent and helpful at church. I think I'll set up a little meeting with them to figure out what they want to earn with their good behavior.
I got released from Beehives today. I'm going to teach 12-13 yr-old sunday school now. I'm really going to miss young women. I got to go to RS for the first time in a year today. It was great, but also sad to think what I was missing.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
October 17
I guess I never finished last weekend. Bob was put in as second counselor last Sunday. I think it'll be so great for him. He's taken it so seriously and has been working hard to keep the Spirit with him and to be prepared to do what he'll need to. He's always kept his testimony and spiritual things pretty quiet. I remember when we were dating and first married, that was hard for me, but I've gotten used to it mostly. But I'm excited to see more of that come out with this calling.
My parents came last weekend for a super quick trip so my dad could ordain Bob a High Priest; at least that was the original plan. But then last Wednesday the Stake President called us in and asked Bob about this new calling. So my parents got to be here for both. That was so nice to have them here. I love them so much. They got to go to soccer and tennis with us and we celebrated Aaron's birthday a little. And then they were with us on Sunday for all the things that went on. Bob got two wonderful blessings for High Priest and second counselor. At the end of the second counselor blessing I thought it was kind of funny because it said that Bob should be mindful or helpful of me or something because I would sacrifice a lot for this calling, but "that's just the way things are". Which is true, but it just sounded funny to be so matter-of-fact in the blessing. I've already had several offers from people to help me in sacrament meeting. Now I just need to figure out what's going to work best. Today's my first test! We'll see how it goes.
We had Aaron's birthday party on Friday. We had it at a park. He had six little boys come. It was Star Wars themed. He helped me make the lego star wars flags to go in the top of the cupcakes. And he filled all the treat bags. He was so excited. We played on the playground most of the time, but we also did some duck, duck, goose and red light, green light and did presents and cupcakes. It was nice not to have to clean the house or worry about the house being too full of boys, but Bob took most of the responsibility for watching the kids on the playground and he said it was too much work. Aaron got a ton of star wars toys and a few other things like the marble run game and a Cars toy. He's loved playing with all of them.
Linda and Trina came to visit this weekend. They stayed over on the Air Force Base, so that was really easy for me to not have to do bedding or towels, etc. They went to Aaron's party and the boys' soccer games and we watched a movie and had ice cream sundays at night.
We had a halloween party on Wednesday with the Deans and the Meeks (from Kata's ward). It was great. It was at Kata's new house, so there was plenty of room. We tie-dyed t-shirts again and the kids made ghosts and pumpkins and frankensteins out of suckers. And they went swimming. The Deans just moved in about two weeks ago, and all the kids hadn't had a chance to swim in their new pool yet. Our weather is still in the 90s, but the water was a little cold, but the kids hardly noticed. They had a great time. And then all our husbands weren't coming home until after dinner, so we got pizza a stayed until about 6:30. What a fun tradition!
My parents came last weekend for a super quick trip so my dad could ordain Bob a High Priest; at least that was the original plan. But then last Wednesday the Stake President called us in and asked Bob about this new calling. So my parents got to be here for both. That was so nice to have them here. I love them so much. They got to go to soccer and tennis with us and we celebrated Aaron's birthday a little. And then they were with us on Sunday for all the things that went on. Bob got two wonderful blessings for High Priest and second counselor. At the end of the second counselor blessing I thought it was kind of funny because it said that Bob should be mindful or helpful of me or something because I would sacrifice a lot for this calling, but "that's just the way things are". Which is true, but it just sounded funny to be so matter-of-fact in the blessing. I've already had several offers from people to help me in sacrament meeting. Now I just need to figure out what's going to work best. Today's my first test! We'll see how it goes.
We had Aaron's birthday party on Friday. We had it at a park. He had six little boys come. It was Star Wars themed. He helped me make the lego star wars flags to go in the top of the cupcakes. And he filled all the treat bags. He was so excited. We played on the playground most of the time, but we also did some duck, duck, goose and red light, green light and did presents and cupcakes. It was nice not to have to clean the house or worry about the house being too full of boys, but Bob took most of the responsibility for watching the kids on the playground and he said it was too much work. Aaron got a ton of star wars toys and a few other things like the marble run game and a Cars toy. He's loved playing with all of them.
Linda and Trina came to visit this weekend. They stayed over on the Air Force Base, so that was really easy for me to not have to do bedding or towels, etc. They went to Aaron's party and the boys' soccer games and we watched a movie and had ice cream sundays at night.
We had a halloween party on Wednesday with the Deans and the Meeks (from Kata's ward). It was great. It was at Kata's new house, so there was plenty of room. We tie-dyed t-shirts again and the kids made ghosts and pumpkins and frankensteins out of suckers. And they went swimming. The Deans just moved in about two weeks ago, and all the kids hadn't had a chance to swim in their new pool yet. Our weather is still in the 90s, but the water was a little cold, but the kids hardly noticed. They had a great time. And then all our husbands weren't coming home until after dinner, so we got pizza a stayed until about 6:30. What a fun tradition!
Sunday, October 10, 2010
October 10
This has been an eventful week. Aaron did a ton better this week. By the end of last Sunday something flipped for him and he was great. Then most of the week he talked to me nicely, he hardly tantrumed, when I asked him to help me with things he did it, even his preschool teacher noticed he was having a great week.. It was wonderful. But then Friday the kids had school off and that day was a little harder. Danny has been teasing him a lot lately; we've been working on that too. And then my parents came this weekend and I guess that combined with Friday was enough to really throw him off his good streak; he had a lot of tantrums this weekend. But I'm really hoping tomorrow, with a return to his regular schedule, will bring back the nice Aaron.
The most exciting thing that happened this week was that Bob was called as second counselor in the bishopric.
The most exciting thing that happened this week was that Bob was called as second counselor in the bishopric.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Blessing September 19
Bob gave me a blessing last week. We meant to do it with the kids' blessing on the back-to-school blessing day, but we didn't have time. Here it is:
- What I do as a mom is appreciated
- I'll have patience
- I'll know when to ask and investigate to know what kids are thinking and discover problems I wouldn't have known about
- I'll be healthy and enjoy exercise
- Blessed with energy enough to keep up with kids and needs through end of pregnancy
- I'll be able to appreciate the good moments
- Be able to look back on these years with fondness
- Pregnancy will go smoothly
October 3
This is going to be a really downer of a post. It's just been like that the last few days.
I think we're doing the right things with our kids, but it sure doesn't feel that way today. I printed out a packet for the kids to fill out during general conference. Then I had a little craft ready for something fun to do together between sessions and when they'd finished their packets. But there were fights and tantrums during conference, mostly by Aaron. And then there continues to be fights and messes and tantrums now that conference is over. They liked the craft, but it lasted 10 minutes and now we have cute little pumpkins and ghosts in the middle of a destroyed kitchen. I really pray that when we're old and look back we'll be able to say it was hard, but we were obedient and the kids knew what was important even though it was crazy at the time.
Aaron's tantrums have been bad again. Plus I was tired this week, which meant a horrible couple of days for us. Some days he doesn't ever even talk to me. Every communication is yelling or whining. I feel like nothing is working. His bad tantrums started when he was three. He turns five in two weeks. I've been yelled at for two years. I'm sure I perpetuate things with him though because I'm not as consistent as I should be. Like today, I told the kids they could participate in the craft if they finish their packet. But 3/4 of the way through conference Aaron wasn't finished and didn't want to do it. So then I was faced with a decision like I have most days: do I stick with what I said and not let him do the craft, because that's what I said would be the consequence and then I'd have to deal with a major meltdown and tantrum. Or should I just let him do the craft because it would be easier. So many times I pick the easier way because I just can't put up with another tantrum and some days he would be punished all day long. Thankfully, today, Danny chose to help Aaron finish his packet and Aaron responded well to his help and they got it done so I didn't have to make a choice. But I really feeling like I'm failing that boy a lot of the time. It's a really crappy feeling.
And then Danny and Rachel don't get near the amount of attention they should from me because I'm so drained from dealing with Aaron. So that adds to my guilt. Seth mostly gets enough attention because he's so cute and easy and because he still needs me to do so many things for him. But I worry that once the baby comes, he'll get overlooked a lot because he is so easy-going and because then I'll have a tiny baby and still have Aaron, that will take all my energy.
And I can't breathe, and I'm enormous and tired and sick of not being able to do all the things I want and need to because I'm eight months pregnant. Ok, I think I've complained about everything. Now I can move on. Just keeping it real, I guess.
Conference has been great. A talk I really needed was by Elder Uchtdorf about simplifying our lives and focusing on what's most important, especially when times are hard. I've been thinking about how things are going to be with the new baby and Seth and Aaron, and possibly moving. And I think I'll really need to rely on the advice in that talk during the next few months.
Bob is such an amazing husband. I can't believe how much he does for me and how patient and helpful he is. Even though I've been tired and grumpy so much of the time with this pregnancy.
I think we're doing the right things with our kids, but it sure doesn't feel that way today. I printed out a packet for the kids to fill out during general conference. Then I had a little craft ready for something fun to do together between sessions and when they'd finished their packets. But there were fights and tantrums during conference, mostly by Aaron. And then there continues to be fights and messes and tantrums now that conference is over. They liked the craft, but it lasted 10 minutes and now we have cute little pumpkins and ghosts in the middle of a destroyed kitchen. I really pray that when we're old and look back we'll be able to say it was hard, but we were obedient and the kids knew what was important even though it was crazy at the time.
Aaron's tantrums have been bad again. Plus I was tired this week, which meant a horrible couple of days for us. Some days he doesn't ever even talk to me. Every communication is yelling or whining. I feel like nothing is working. His bad tantrums started when he was three. He turns five in two weeks. I've been yelled at for two years. I'm sure I perpetuate things with him though because I'm not as consistent as I should be. Like today, I told the kids they could participate in the craft if they finish their packet. But 3/4 of the way through conference Aaron wasn't finished and didn't want to do it. So then I was faced with a decision like I have most days: do I stick with what I said and not let him do the craft, because that's what I said would be the consequence and then I'd have to deal with a major meltdown and tantrum. Or should I just let him do the craft because it would be easier. So many times I pick the easier way because I just can't put up with another tantrum and some days he would be punished all day long. Thankfully, today, Danny chose to help Aaron finish his packet and Aaron responded well to his help and they got it done so I didn't have to make a choice. But I really feeling like I'm failing that boy a lot of the time. It's a really crappy feeling.
And then Danny and Rachel don't get near the amount of attention they should from me because I'm so drained from dealing with Aaron. So that adds to my guilt. Seth mostly gets enough attention because he's so cute and easy and because he still needs me to do so many things for him. But I worry that once the baby comes, he'll get overlooked a lot because he is so easy-going and because then I'll have a tiny baby and still have Aaron, that will take all my energy.
And I can't breathe, and I'm enormous and tired and sick of not being able to do all the things I want and need to because I'm eight months pregnant. Ok, I think I've complained about everything. Now I can move on. Just keeping it real, I guess.
Conference has been great. A talk I really needed was by Elder Uchtdorf about simplifying our lives and focusing on what's most important, especially when times are hard. I've been thinking about how things are going to be with the new baby and Seth and Aaron, and possibly moving. And I think I'll really need to rely on the advice in that talk during the next few months.
Bob is such an amazing husband. I can't believe how much he does for me and how patient and helpful he is. Even though I've been tired and grumpy so much of the time with this pregnancy.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
September 26
We had a great time at California Adventures this week. It wasn't very crowded at all. The longest wait time was 10 minutes, which was great because the kids get really whiney if they have to wait too long. We got to ride everything and several things lots of times. It was really hot, though. We were there from 10 to 6:30.
Seth took a 1 hour nap, but was happy all day. He had a great time in the Monsters Inc ride, which we did four times. And he loved the parade. We were buddies throughout the day because between him being less than 40 inches and me being pregnant, we weren't allowed on many of the rides.
Rachel was our dare devil and loved all the scary rides. Her favorite was the California Screamin Roller Coaster that goes upside down. She also went on the tower of terror three times--more than Danny did.
Danny was a trooper and never complained about walking everywhere. His favorite was the California Screamin Roller Coaster too. Danny and Rachel went on it together. Bob was going to go with them, but that would make one of the kids have to ride by themselves, so he just let them go together. I was a little worried about that, but they did great.
Aaron was brave too and loved everything. His favorite was Mullholland Madness, a fun roller coaster that had no wait at all; so they rode it at least 5 times. The kids also loved going in the redwood forest where they had a zipline that never had a wait, so every time we walked by they went in and rode it a few times.
The day was harder on me being pregnant than I thought it would be. I made sure I was drinking all day long, but by about 4:00 I started having contractions and had to sit for a while, but that was while Seth slept so it worked well. My back is still a little sore, but it was still worth it to go. It was fun to spend time together visiting such a fun place.
I had a doctor appointment on Thursday. I'm 32 weeks, but she said I measured more like 30 weeks. I've never had a doctor tell me that. But I was thinking she must be smaller than the other babies because she can really move and spin around in there. But I also remember thinking that Rachel moved more than Danny did. So maybe my girls are just smaller than the boys. I'll go back in 2 weeks because I'm getting close to the end. It'll be interesting to see if she catches up, or if she stays small. I'm getting excited to meet her.
We heard yesterday that the bank did the appraisal on Debbie's house. It was good to hear things are moving and not just sitting somewhere waiting. But it still should be another month until we hear from the bank with a counter offer. But we're still excited for the prospect of more room. The kids talk all the time about who is going to get their own room.
Seth took a 1 hour nap, but was happy all day. He had a great time in the Monsters Inc ride, which we did four times. And he loved the parade. We were buddies throughout the day because between him being less than 40 inches and me being pregnant, we weren't allowed on many of the rides.
Rachel was our dare devil and loved all the scary rides. Her favorite was the California Screamin Roller Coaster that goes upside down. She also went on the tower of terror three times--more than Danny did.
Danny was a trooper and never complained about walking everywhere. His favorite was the California Screamin Roller Coaster too. Danny and Rachel went on it together. Bob was going to go with them, but that would make one of the kids have to ride by themselves, so he just let them go together. I was a little worried about that, but they did great.
Aaron was brave too and loved everything. His favorite was Mullholland Madness, a fun roller coaster that had no wait at all; so they rode it at least 5 times. The kids also loved going in the redwood forest where they had a zipline that never had a wait, so every time we walked by they went in and rode it a few times.
The day was harder on me being pregnant than I thought it would be. I made sure I was drinking all day long, but by about 4:00 I started having contractions and had to sit for a while, but that was while Seth slept so it worked well. My back is still a little sore, but it was still worth it to go. It was fun to spend time together visiting such a fun place.
I had a doctor appointment on Thursday. I'm 32 weeks, but she said I measured more like 30 weeks. I've never had a doctor tell me that. But I was thinking she must be smaller than the other babies because she can really move and spin around in there. But I also remember thinking that Rachel moved more than Danny did. So maybe my girls are just smaller than the boys. I'll go back in 2 weeks because I'm getting close to the end. It'll be interesting to see if she catches up, or if she stays small. I'm getting excited to meet her.
We heard yesterday that the bank did the appraisal on Debbie's house. It was good to hear things are moving and not just sitting somewhere waiting. But it still should be another month until we hear from the bank with a counter offer. But we're still excited for the prospect of more room. The kids talk all the time about who is going to get their own room.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
September 19
It was a a hard week with Aaron this week. I was hoping school and a routine would help more, but it's pretty much the same. And the teasing and fighting between Aaron and Danny that got pretty bad over the summer, hasn't gone away much either. I started having "TT's" (tantrum talks) with Aaron a couple of weeks ago. When we used to go meet with Paula, it seemed to help, but it costs so much and Aaron said he didn't want to go to her any more, so the idea for TTs came to me one night when I was praying. We have them once a week and for just 5 or 10 minutes. We talk about things that trigger Aaron or different ways we can help the tantrums. He used to freak out every time he got hungry because he couldn't decide what to eat. So for one of the TTs we brainstormed about all the ideas for snacks we have and put pictures of them on the fridge. That one has really helped the tantrums over food.
He had been making a little progress, but this week was a set back week. I'm not sure what made the difference, but he was having constant tantrums and yelling at me from Sunday to Wednesday. Wednesday night I just broke down, it's so stressful to watch him be so upset and to be yelled at so much of the day. I had the same thought I had about him when he was four or five months old: "What does he have to be so upset about all the time". It makes me sad that he's unhappy so much of the time. I had that thought about him when he was a baby and I took him to the doctor. That's when they gave him reflux medicine and it helped a lot, but he was still a little grumpier than my other babies were. So my new plan is to just spend more time with Aaron. I had been working on websites for two hours every day when Seth has his nap. That worked really well during the summer. But now the older kids are at school then and it leaves Aaron to hang out by himself. So I've been trying to spend that time playing with Aaron and finding other times to work. It seems to be helping a little.
The boys started soccer this week. They both liked it. And Bob started coaching Aaron's team. And it's started cooling down a little, so we go outside and ride bikes and scooters every night. The kids love it.
We go to California Adventures this Thursday. We're just leaving Thurs after school and going to the Park all day Friday and driving home that night. So it'll be quick and hopefully easy.
We told our kids about the house we want to buy this week. They were all really excited. We weren't sure if we wanted to tell them because it's such a long process where nothing happens for a long time. But we didn't want anyone else to say anything to them, so we decided it would be better for us to tell them first.
He had been making a little progress, but this week was a set back week. I'm not sure what made the difference, but he was having constant tantrums and yelling at me from Sunday to Wednesday. Wednesday night I just broke down, it's so stressful to watch him be so upset and to be yelled at so much of the day. I had the same thought I had about him when he was four or five months old: "What does he have to be so upset about all the time". It makes me sad that he's unhappy so much of the time. I had that thought about him when he was a baby and I took him to the doctor. That's when they gave him reflux medicine and it helped a lot, but he was still a little grumpier than my other babies were. So my new plan is to just spend more time with Aaron. I had been working on websites for two hours every day when Seth has his nap. That worked really well during the summer. But now the older kids are at school then and it leaves Aaron to hang out by himself. So I've been trying to spend that time playing with Aaron and finding other times to work. It seems to be helping a little.
The boys started soccer this week. They both liked it. And Bob started coaching Aaron's team. And it's started cooling down a little, so we go outside and ride bikes and scooters every night. The kids love it.
We go to California Adventures this Thursday. We're just leaving Thurs after school and going to the Park all day Friday and driving home that night. So it'll be quick and hopefully easy.
We told our kids about the house we want to buy this week. They were all really excited. We weren't sure if we wanted to tell them because it's such a long process where nothing happens for a long time. But we didn't want anyone else to say anything to them, so we decided it would be better for us to tell them first.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
September 12
Last weekend we were at my mom's and then at Ryan's because it was Labor Day weekend. We took the kids out of school early on Friday and drove to my mom's. Ryan was there too. Saturday morning most of the adults went to the grape harvest and then when they were done Venessa and I and the kids drove up to Fresno and met them at the waterslides. Our kids loved it! Danny and Rachel went on some of the big slides, but also loved the wave pool. They had a huge kiddie area with pretty big slides and Aaron got brave enough to go to the top and he rode those for hours. They even had a little slide that Seth had a great time on. He slid down that and ran back around and climbed up to do it again for at least an hour. It was fun to watch him be so excited about it. He wasn't very good at waiting his turn when other kids came to use it, though, he'd just try to sneak by them in line.
We stayed in Visalia that night and went to church and then drove to where Ryan will live. He's staying with friends now while he still waits for his short sale to close. So we went there and ate and walked to the park by his house. The next day we went to the lake by his house. It was nice, but so crowded for Labor day. We left after lunch and came home.
The weekend before that was just a really busy Sunday. I had to meet with the Beehives to plan some things and we got invited to dinner at the Simpson's house. We also had a family meeting where Bob gave the kids blessings before school started. It was a great meeting. The kids all feel the importance of those blessings. A few days before, Danny had reminded us of those blessings and asked if we'd be doing them before school this year. I also talked to Aaron before our meeting and told him the blessings were special and Dad would say things that Heavenly Father and Jesus wanted to say to him. He was really excited. After his blessing and said, "I heard Jesus!" The kids all said they could feel the spirit and wrote about it in their journals the next night at FHE.
The kids all started school just fine. Danny has Mrs. Wolfe for third grade. I think we'll both really like her. She seems like a fun, good teacher. He likes his class and knows some of the boys in there already. He settled in really quickly this year. Danny was also asked to be tested for the GATE program this year. Rachel has Mr. Esquibel for second grade. He seems pretty good. He really likes to play the guitar, so if he brings music into the class I think Rachel will really like it. This is her first year not being with Jaclyn. She's doing just fine. She's making new friends and having fun. She's likes to be responsible and organized about her homework. She's fun to watch with it. She also loves to get dressed for school. She comes out in cute outfits with her hair done. She even asked to have her hair curled one morning. She used to hate it when I'd try to spend more than two minutes on her hair. Aaron started preschool with Miss Kathy. Rachel went there for preschool too. She's wonderful. Aaron is really liking it. She keeps the kids more active than his last teacher did and I think he needs that. He's also excited because Miss Kathy said if he does the homework program this year, he'll be reading by the end of the year. Aaron was really excited about learning to read. Seth had a hard time when the kids left. He cried several times when they got out of the car and he didn't.
We made an offer on the house we want! They listed the house for sale on September 1. We met with the realtor just after that and filled out all the paperwork to make an offer. We offered $225,000. They wanted the house to be on the market a few days, but she had our paperwork ready and was going to close the listing after the weekend, but there was one couple who seemed really interested in the house, so before they could make an offer, the agent closed the listing early. Now the papers are all submitted to the bank and it sounds like we have to wait a couple of months before we hear much. We're so excited. That house has so many great things about it. Debbie said they got a blessing that said their short sale would go through smoothly. So I hope it goes through smoothly with us.
We stayed in Visalia that night and went to church and then drove to where Ryan will live. He's staying with friends now while he still waits for his short sale to close. So we went there and ate and walked to the park by his house. The next day we went to the lake by his house. It was nice, but so crowded for Labor day. We left after lunch and came home.
The weekend before that was just a really busy Sunday. I had to meet with the Beehives to plan some things and we got invited to dinner at the Simpson's house. We also had a family meeting where Bob gave the kids blessings before school started. It was a great meeting. The kids all feel the importance of those blessings. A few days before, Danny had reminded us of those blessings and asked if we'd be doing them before school this year. I also talked to Aaron before our meeting and told him the blessings were special and Dad would say things that Heavenly Father and Jesus wanted to say to him. He was really excited. After his blessing and said, "I heard Jesus!" The kids all said they could feel the spirit and wrote about it in their journals the next night at FHE.
The kids all started school just fine. Danny has Mrs. Wolfe for third grade. I think we'll both really like her. She seems like a fun, good teacher. He likes his class and knows some of the boys in there already. He settled in really quickly this year. Danny was also asked to be tested for the GATE program this year. Rachel has Mr. Esquibel for second grade. He seems pretty good. He really likes to play the guitar, so if he brings music into the class I think Rachel will really like it. This is her first year not being with Jaclyn. She's doing just fine. She's making new friends and having fun. She's likes to be responsible and organized about her homework. She's fun to watch with it. She also loves to get dressed for school. She comes out in cute outfits with her hair done. She even asked to have her hair curled one morning. She used to hate it when I'd try to spend more than two minutes on her hair. Aaron started preschool with Miss Kathy. Rachel went there for preschool too. She's wonderful. Aaron is really liking it. She keeps the kids more active than his last teacher did and I think he needs that. He's also excited because Miss Kathy said if he does the homework program this year, he'll be reading by the end of the year. Aaron was really excited about learning to read. Seth had a hard time when the kids left. He cried several times when they got out of the car and he didn't.
We made an offer on the house we want! They listed the house for sale on September 1. We met with the realtor just after that and filled out all the paperwork to make an offer. We offered $225,000. They wanted the house to be on the market a few days, but she had our paperwork ready and was going to close the listing after the weekend, but there was one couple who seemed really interested in the house, so before they could make an offer, the agent closed the listing early. Now the papers are all submitted to the bank and it sounds like we have to wait a couple of months before we hear much. We're so excited. That house has so many great things about it. Debbie said they got a blessing that said their short sale would go through smoothly. So I hope it goes through smoothly with us.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
August 22
Only one week until school starts. We're all getting excited. We've gone shoe and clothes shopping. We just need to do school supplies and lunch boxes this week. I had fun going school shopping for Rachel this time because she's starting to care a little about what she looks like and wants to get cute things, not just comfortable things.
We had sickness at our house this week. I took Danny to the dr on Monday and he had a sinus infection. Then I took Seth in Wednesday for an ear infection. Now I have an eye infection and maybe sinus infection. I need to go in tomorrow. Also Seth has a well check tomorrow so I'll get 2 doctor appointments tomorrow and all three kids go to the dentist in the afternoon. The good thing about all the appointments we've had is that school is still out so I can get a babysitter to come watch the kids who don't have to go to the doctor.
Hopefully we'll all get healthy and be able to do more fun things this week before school starts. We'd like to go to the Springs Preserve and Silver Mesa one more time.
We signed both boys up for soccer. Aaron misses the deadline to play by two weeks. But if Bob coached, they'd let him play. So Bob signed up. And Danny is going to be his assistant. So all the boys are excited. And I'm going to sign Rachel up for Tennis tomorrow. Jaclyn is going to do it to. Hopefully she'll have fun with it and not complain that it's too hard or makes her legs hurt.
Seth went to his second nursery today. He doesn't like it. He cries like crazy as soon as we leave. I hope he gets over that soon.
We had sickness at our house this week. I took Danny to the dr on Monday and he had a sinus infection. Then I took Seth in Wednesday for an ear infection. Now I have an eye infection and maybe sinus infection. I need to go in tomorrow. Also Seth has a well check tomorrow so I'll get 2 doctor appointments tomorrow and all three kids go to the dentist in the afternoon. The good thing about all the appointments we've had is that school is still out so I can get a babysitter to come watch the kids who don't have to go to the doctor.
Hopefully we'll all get healthy and be able to do more fun things this week before school starts. We'd like to go to the Springs Preserve and Silver Mesa one more time.
We signed both boys up for soccer. Aaron misses the deadline to play by two weeks. But if Bob coached, they'd let him play. So Bob signed up. And Danny is going to be his assistant. So all the boys are excited. And I'm going to sign Rachel up for Tennis tomorrow. Jaclyn is going to do it to. Hopefully she'll have fun with it and not complain that it's too hard or makes her legs hurt.
Seth went to his second nursery today. He doesn't like it. He cries like crazy as soon as we leave. I hope he gets over that soon.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
August 15
Last weekend we were at Bryce canyon for the Woolley family reunion. Everyone came to our house on Thursday and then we all drove to Zions and rode the tram and did the little hike to the entrance of the Narrows. We played in the water and had lunch and then walked back. Then we continued on to Bryce. We had cabins rented the first night. We had a campfire and the kids ran around with cousins. The next day it rained and was cold most of the day. Bob and my siblings and their spouses tried to hike in Bryce canyon, but they got really wet. We went swimming in the indoor pool and we hung out under the pavilion with everyone and tried to stay warm. That night it cleared up and we sat around the campfire and listened to the brothers and grandma Donna share memories and watched some family movies on the projector. That night we slept in Teepees. Seth did really well in the cabin, but not so much in the teepee. Sunday we got up and had breakfast then drove home. Everyone came back to our house Monday for Girls Day. We went shopping, had massages and went to see a show. I just did the shopping though. That was our last trip of the summer, though, so it's a little sad that summer is getting over. We still need to go to Disneyland in the next month, though, to use our free tickets.
We have sickness going around our family again. Danny and Rachel got sick on Wednesday. Rachel got better quickly, but Danny has had fevers and is still a little sick. Today I'm home with all the kids from church. Seth got it Friday night and Aaron woke up this morning with a runny nose. Rachel is the only one who isn't sick, but they were all playing so well this morning that I let her stay home too and only Bob went. We watched "The Testaments" movie while Seth was having his nap instead.
Friday night was the Daddy Daughter campout. Rachel and Bob had a good time. The boys and I had a boy party at home. We went to Blockbuster and got Star Wars Episode 1. We got slushies at Circle K and had macaroni and cheese for dinner. Then we watched the movie and had candy and popcorn.
Bob and I keep telling Rachel that she can't get any older, but she isn't obeying. We sure love her. She is such a kind, fun, beautiful girl. She loves to be with her family and friends, she's always thinking of things she can create and she has such a strong testimony and sense of who she is.
Rachel turned seven on Saturday. She had a birthday party at our house again this year. The girls had pizza and cupcakes and made bracelets. Bob loved his young audience and was cracking jokes all over the place. And the girls thought he was hilarious. Bob was in heaven! He also entertained by playing "rolling log" with them and letting all the little girls jump over him.
Between all her grandparents and friends, Rachel ended up raking in over $100 this year. And she is not a saver. So after her party, Rachel and I went to Target. She wasn't interested in saving any of her money, she knew exactly what she wanted: a huge hamster house for her zhu zhu hamsters. The kids have all been playing with it constantly since it was set up.
We're still just waiting to find out more about Debbie's house. They won't even list it for a few weeks and then we need to see if anyone will put a better offer than ours. I'll just have to be patient. Because then even if we get to put our offer in, we'll still have to wait months to see if the banks approve.
We have sickness going around our family again. Danny and Rachel got sick on Wednesday. Rachel got better quickly, but Danny has had fevers and is still a little sick. Today I'm home with all the kids from church. Seth got it Friday night and Aaron woke up this morning with a runny nose. Rachel is the only one who isn't sick, but they were all playing so well this morning that I let her stay home too and only Bob went. We watched "The Testaments" movie while Seth was having his nap instead.
Friday night was the Daddy Daughter campout. Rachel and Bob had a good time. The boys and I had a boy party at home. We went to Blockbuster and got Star Wars Episode 1. We got slushies at Circle K and had macaroni and cheese for dinner. Then we watched the movie and had candy and popcorn.
Bob and I keep telling Rachel that she can't get any older, but she isn't obeying. We sure love her. She is such a kind, fun, beautiful girl. She loves to be with her family and friends, she's always thinking of things she can create and she has such a strong testimony and sense of who she is.
Rachel turned seven on Saturday. She had a birthday party at our house again this year. The girls had pizza and cupcakes and made bracelets. Bob loved his young audience and was cracking jokes all over the place. And the girls thought he was hilarious. Bob was in heaven! He also entertained by playing "rolling log" with them and letting all the little girls jump over him.

We're still just waiting to find out more about Debbie's house. They won't even list it for a few weeks and then we need to see if anyone will put a better offer than ours. I'll just have to be patient. Because then even if we get to put our offer in, we'll still have to wait months to see if the banks approve.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
August 1
We stayed at Mandalay Bay this week on Thursday night. We had a great time. The kids and I checked in at 3 and Bob came straight from work just a little after that. We went down to the pools then. They have a wave pool, kid pool and lazy river. There was something for everyone. And Seth loved it too. All summer he's tolerated swimming, but never had much fun and never lasts more than 45 minutes. But he was great the whole 2 1/2 hours we were there. Then we went back to our room and ate PB sandwiches and got a pay per view kid movie. We went to bed about 9:00. The next morning we got up and ate and were back at the pool at 8:00. We swam until 10:30 and then went back and got dressed and checked out. Everyone fell asleep on the way home.
Monday night we went to another 51s baseball game. This time we left a little later and it just wasn't as hot that day, so it was much more enjoyable. They have $1 food at the concession stand on Mondays; the kids thought that was great. Seth has discovered that he can run out of the grassy area, though. So he's not so easy to keep with us.
We went yesterday to the party store to get things for Rachel's birthday. She is definitely her own person. We went down the girly isle and she chose fish for her plates and cups, but they didn't have any invitations. So I talked her into some pretty pink butterfly ones. Then she decided she didn't want to do a pinata, she just wanted to do gift bags. So we went down the little trinket isle to pick things to go in the bags. I pointed out some glitter bracelets and necklaces and other things; but she chose rubber snakes--that's all. She just wants snakes and candy in the bags. I love that girl.
We met with Heidi, the realtor, this week. Things are still looking positive. We qualified for the loan amount we'll need and we kept getting compliments on our credit score. That felt nice. They are going to start the selling process at the end of August because if they start before that they think there's a chance it'll go through before Christmas and neither of us want that. And they have to open the house up for other offers at that time, but the realtor will try to deter that. So hopefully no one will put a better offer than ours. And we'll just wait now for the next month and see what happens in September.
Monday night we went to another 51s baseball game. This time we left a little later and it just wasn't as hot that day, so it was much more enjoyable. They have $1 food at the concession stand on Mondays; the kids thought that was great. Seth has discovered that he can run out of the grassy area, though. So he's not so easy to keep with us.
We went yesterday to the party store to get things for Rachel's birthday. She is definitely her own person. We went down the girly isle and she chose fish for her plates and cups, but they didn't have any invitations. So I talked her into some pretty pink butterfly ones. Then she decided she didn't want to do a pinata, she just wanted to do gift bags. So we went down the little trinket isle to pick things to go in the bags. I pointed out some glitter bracelets and necklaces and other things; but she chose rubber snakes--that's all. She just wants snakes and candy in the bags. I love that girl.
We met with Heidi, the realtor, this week. Things are still looking positive. We qualified for the loan amount we'll need and we kept getting compliments on our credit score. That felt nice. They are going to start the selling process at the end of August because if they start before that they think there's a chance it'll go through before Christmas and neither of us want that. And they have to open the house up for other offers at that time, but the realtor will try to deter that. So hopefully no one will put a better offer than ours. And we'll just wait now for the next month and see what happens in September.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
July 25
I went to girls camp this week. My mom came to stay with the kids. They did great with her. She flew in Monday night and I left Tuesday morning. The kids all loved their time with her. I got home Saturday morning and I got to do a little shopping with her and take her to see Debbie Lewis's house before she left Saturday night.
Camp was great. It was so good to get to know all the girls better. The weather was great. The port-a-potties were yucky, especially since I have to go extra while I'm pregnant. And I got more tired than normal, being pregnant, but other than that I didn't have any problems.
Things seem to be coming together for Debbie's house. The realtor thinks we could probably get the house for what we can afford. And it looks like we'll be fine to come up with the down payment in time. It'll make things a little tighter for the next few years. But I think we can handle it as long as nothing really big happens. And we both have contracting work and are willing to work hard. But we're praying about it all the time and so far haven't felt like it's a bad idea. We meet with the realtor on Tuesday to really talk it out and then we have to talk to her lender and make sure we can get pre-approved for the loan we would need. Then they'll start the process at the end of August. The realtor thinks it could go through, if it all works, by the end of the year, but I don't want to move until spring; I think it'll be too hard to move earlier than that with a new baby.
Camp was great. It was so good to get to know all the girls better. The weather was great. The port-a-potties were yucky, especially since I have to go extra while I'm pregnant. And I got more tired than normal, being pregnant, but other than that I didn't have any problems.
Things seem to be coming together for Debbie's house. The realtor thinks we could probably get the house for what we can afford. And it looks like we'll be fine to come up with the down payment in time. It'll make things a little tighter for the next few years. But I think we can handle it as long as nothing really big happens. And we both have contracting work and are willing to work hard. But we're praying about it all the time and so far haven't felt like it's a bad idea. We meet with the realtor on Tuesday to really talk it out and then we have to talk to her lender and make sure we can get pre-approved for the loan we would need. Then they'll start the process at the end of August. The realtor thinks it could go through, if it all works, by the end of the year, but I don't want to move until spring; I think it'll be too hard to move earlier than that with a new baby.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
July 18
We just got back from Lake Tahoe. We had such a great time. We left Tuesday around 1:00 and got there at 9:00. The kids were so good even though the trip was longer than our usual 5-6 hours. Amanda's rental house was perfect. It's a furnished vacation rental on a golf course in Truckee. It had a guest room for Bob and me and seth. And the kids room had enough beds for her kids and ours. And it was so great to spend so much time with Amanda and her family. I'm so blessed to have such a great friend!
Wednesday we went to the beach for several hours. It was great. The water was shallow for quite a ways out and the weather was great. Even Seth liked to play in the water some. Thursday we went to Sutter's mill where they first discovered gold. The kids got to pan for gold, which they all thought was awesome. And that night we got a tour of the Truckee airport where Amanda's husband, Kevin, works. Friday, we just had a family day and went to Carson City to a train museum, which all the kids liked, but Seth loved. And we went and saw the capital building and all the other important state buildings and had lunch on the lawn there. I realized that when my kids study state history and government, this will probably be what they study, since we're thinking we're going to stay here. Saturday we all went to South Lake tahoe. We went to another beach and had a great time. And we went on a little "hike" and saw a stream profile where you can see the river from underneath. It was great.
The weather was perfect and every night Bob and Kevin took all the kids and walked around the golf course looking for lost golf balls. They loved it and they always found several balls. Then after the kids went to bed, the adults would play games. It was such a great vacation!
Seth is starting to use words a little more. Bob and I have been making more of an effort to encourage him to talk. He's been saying things like fish and cookie and step. He still only says them when he feels like it, but he's doing it a lot more.
Wednesday we went to the beach for several hours. It was great. The water was shallow for quite a ways out and the weather was great. Even Seth liked to play in the water some. Thursday we went to Sutter's mill where they first discovered gold. The kids got to pan for gold, which they all thought was awesome. And that night we got a tour of the Truckee airport where Amanda's husband, Kevin, works. Friday, we just had a family day and went to Carson City to a train museum, which all the kids liked, but Seth loved. And we went and saw the capital building and all the other important state buildings and had lunch on the lawn there. I realized that when my kids study state history and government, this will probably be what they study, since we're thinking we're going to stay here. Saturday we all went to South Lake tahoe. We went to another beach and had a great time. And we went on a little "hike" and saw a stream profile where you can see the river from underneath. It was great.
The weather was perfect and every night Bob and Kevin took all the kids and walked around the golf course looking for lost golf balls. They loved it and they always found several balls. Then after the kids went to bed, the adults would play games. It was such a great vacation!
Seth is starting to use words a little more. Bob and I have been making more of an effort to encourage him to talk. He's been saying things like fish and cookie and step. He still only says them when he feels like it, but he's doing it a lot more.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
July 11
Last weekend we were in Utah for 4th of July. All of Bob's roommates had a reunion. It was fun to see all of them. We stayed at Linda's house. Everyone had a good time. We saw Casey at BYU, I got to see Wendy in Salt Lake, we had dinner and picnics with Bob's friends.
Rachel was sick for about 10 days. She's finally been feeling well for the last three days. She would be fine all morning, but then in the afternoon until bedtime, she'd have horrible cramps. We took her to the doctor and he couldn't really do anything for her. Bob's friend, Jeff, thought it was probably from when Rachel had the stomach flu and it stripped her intestines and she just wasn't able to digest food very well. It was horrible. She'd just writhe and cry for hours every day. We're so glad she's better.
We leave for Lake Tahoe on Tuesday. We're going to stay with Kevin and Amanda. I'm so excited to spend time with her and to be at Lake Tahoe with the kids.
Yesterday our air conditioning went out. I woke up at 5 am and it was 86 in our house and the air conditioner wasn't blowing. So we started calling people at 7 and got someone to come around 10. The problem was with the circuit board on the furnace--and the furnace is what blows the cold air from the air conditioner. Luckily they had the part in stock and they were able to fix it by about 2:00. By then it was really hot in our house! The kids were good sports about it, though. We went out and played in the sprinklers for a while and that helped. It cost almost $700 to fix it.
We are looking into getting a bigger house. We think that if we're able to save up a down payment in the next year, we'll be able to buy a bigger house. We'll keep the one we have now and we'll rent it for a loss, but the rent we do get on this house will almost pay for a mortgage on a bigger house because the houses have dropped in price so much. We wish we could just sell the one we have, but it's probably worth $200,000 less than we bought it for at this point. The Lewis's in our ward are selling their house. It's huge and has a big yard on a cul-de-sac and a pool. We just love it. And they are short-selling it so it'll probably take at least six months to get through the banks, which makes it possible because we don't have enough of a down payment saved up yet. She's talking to her realtor this week. Then she'll get an idea of how much they'll sell it for and if it'll be in our price range. It would be so great if it worked out. A lot of things would have to come together just right for it to work, but it would be so great. It's bigger than we'd need, but they've taken such good care of it and it has such a great yard and it's still in our ward, but different elementary school. We'll just see how it goes and if we can even afford it.
Rachel was sick for about 10 days. She's finally been feeling well for the last three days. She would be fine all morning, but then in the afternoon until bedtime, she'd have horrible cramps. We took her to the doctor and he couldn't really do anything for her. Bob's friend, Jeff, thought it was probably from when Rachel had the stomach flu and it stripped her intestines and she just wasn't able to digest food very well. It was horrible. She'd just writhe and cry for hours every day. We're so glad she's better.
We leave for Lake Tahoe on Tuesday. We're going to stay with Kevin and Amanda. I'm so excited to spend time with her and to be at Lake Tahoe with the kids.
Yesterday our air conditioning went out. I woke up at 5 am and it was 86 in our house and the air conditioner wasn't blowing. So we started calling people at 7 and got someone to come around 10. The problem was with the circuit board on the furnace--and the furnace is what blows the cold air from the air conditioner. Luckily they had the part in stock and they were able to fix it by about 2:00. By then it was really hot in our house! The kids were good sports about it, though. We went out and played in the sprinklers for a while and that helped. It cost almost $700 to fix it.
We are looking into getting a bigger house. We think that if we're able to save up a down payment in the next year, we'll be able to buy a bigger house. We'll keep the one we have now and we'll rent it for a loss, but the rent we do get on this house will almost pay for a mortgage on a bigger house because the houses have dropped in price so much. We wish we could just sell the one we have, but it's probably worth $200,000 less than we bought it for at this point. The Lewis's in our ward are selling their house. It's huge and has a big yard on a cul-de-sac and a pool. We just love it. And they are short-selling it so it'll probably take at least six months to get through the banks, which makes it possible because we don't have enough of a down payment saved up yet. She's talking to her realtor this week. Then she'll get an idea of how much they'll sell it for and if it'll be in our price range. It would be so great if it worked out. A lot of things would have to come together just right for it to work, but it would be so great. It's bigger than we'd need, but they've taken such good care of it and it has such a great yard and it's still in our ward, but different elementary school. We'll just see how it goes and if we can even afford it.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
June 27
I'm having a baby girl! We found out on Wednesday. We got a babysitter for Seth. And took the three older kids with us. They thought it was great. Danny was the only one who said he was a little sad at first about it being a girl, but now he’s excited. Aaron predicted it would be a girl because “Seth needs someone to dance with”. And Rachel is ecstatic. The first thing she said was “Yes! Now I’ll get a bunkbed.” Bob and I are also very excited. I'm excited to watch Bob with a baby girl again. He was so cute with Rachel. He was great with the boys as babies too, but he was just different with Rachel; he was wrapped around her finger. I think we'll name her Ruby.
We've all been sick this week. Rachel started last Sunday. Then it cycled through all of us throught the week. It was a bad stomach flu for about 24 hours, and then just some nausea for a few days after that. Rachel's has been on and off all week. I'm so ready for us all to be healthy!
Bob and I went on a date for our Anniversary last night. We went to the baptism of a new Beehive girl and then we went to PF Changs for dinner. It was nice. We already did our big celebration at the coast a few weeks ago.
We've all been sick this week. Rachel started last Sunday. Then it cycled through all of us throught the week. It was a bad stomach flu for about 24 hours, and then just some nausea for a few days after that. Rachel's has been on and off all week. I'm so ready for us all to be healthy!
Bob and I went on a date for our Anniversary last night. We went to the baptism of a new Beehive girl and then we went to PF Changs for dinner. It was nice. We already did our big celebration at the coast a few weeks ago.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
June 20
Last weekend we were in Visalia again. We went almost two weeks ago and dropped the kids at my mom's. The Bob and I drove to San Luis Obispo for two nights to celebrate our anniversary. We stayed at the Apple Farm. We slept in and ate breakfast in our bed. We went to the grocery store the first night and Bob found 30 day-old donuts for $3.00. He was so excited. We ate at good places. We went to Morro Bay and Cayucous and the Montanna de oro state park. It was pretty cold and windy while we were there. It was a good relaxing trip. And the night before we left, Bob and I went up to St. George to see Cats at Tuacahn. That was really fun too. We had a lot of driving that week.
The kids did swimming lessons last week and will do one more week this week. Rachel is really figuring it out and can go in the deep end now. Aaron still refuses to do much, but at least he likes it. And I thought Seth would be really hard on the side, but he's been great. Seth really likes to wander off. The other kids would wander, but when they got so far, they'd know to come back. Seth doesn't have that. He just runs and runs.
I've been working a lot on my websites. I have a pretty good schedule down. I play with the kids and do the housework and then the kids all know that while Seth has his nap, that's when I work on my websites. It's been working really well so far. We also started a new job system. The kids still have to get dressed and make their beds and brush teeth, but now they have 2 house cleaning jobs a day since it's summer and they have more time. They get paid $.50 if they do all their jobs. We used to pay $.10 for each job. Their new job is that they have to pick up one assigned room every day. I'm loving it. I just can't keep up with the clutter and toys of four kids. So it's making such a difference to have them help.
I took Aaron back to see Paula at LDS services. Aaron really likes to go. He really seems relieved that there's someone who can help with his tantrums. He realizes that they are really bad things and he doesn't know how to stop them. I think he's been getting a little better since going. The biggest thing that helps is having talked about what's going on in the tantrums beforehand and then being able to have words Aaron understands when he's having the tantrums.
We went to the Circus yesterday. The kids all thought it was great. They'd seen the commercials and really wanted to go. It was a little long for them, but other than that it was fun.
Today is Father's day. We made bacon and eggs and sausage for breakfast. Then Rachel was sick, so Bob stayed home with her and I took the three boys to sacrament meeting. I just chased Seth around the halls the whole time. Then I brought him home to have a nap and went back and taught Beehives. We got Bob a fondue pot for father's day. The kids wanted to get him a chocolate fountain, but I didn't want to have to clean it up, so we decided on a fondue pot. So we'll use that later today.
The kids did swimming lessons last week and will do one more week this week. Rachel is really figuring it out and can go in the deep end now. Aaron still refuses to do much, but at least he likes it. And I thought Seth would be really hard on the side, but he's been great. Seth really likes to wander off. The other kids would wander, but when they got so far, they'd know to come back. Seth doesn't have that. He just runs and runs.
I've been working a lot on my websites. I have a pretty good schedule down. I play with the kids and do the housework and then the kids all know that while Seth has his nap, that's when I work on my websites. It's been working really well so far. We also started a new job system. The kids still have to get dressed and make their beds and brush teeth, but now they have 2 house cleaning jobs a day since it's summer and they have more time. They get paid $.50 if they do all their jobs. We used to pay $.10 for each job. Their new job is that they have to pick up one assigned room every day. I'm loving it. I just can't keep up with the clutter and toys of four kids. So it's making such a difference to have them help.
I took Aaron back to see Paula at LDS services. Aaron really likes to go. He really seems relieved that there's someone who can help with his tantrums. He realizes that they are really bad things and he doesn't know how to stop them. I think he's been getting a little better since going. The biggest thing that helps is having talked about what's going on in the tantrums beforehand and then being able to have words Aaron understands when he's having the tantrums.
We went to the Circus yesterday. The kids all thought it was great. They'd seen the commercials and really wanted to go. It was a little long for them, but other than that it was fun.
Today is Father's day. We made bacon and eggs and sausage for breakfast. Then Rachel was sick, so Bob stayed home with her and I took the three boys to sacrament meeting. I just chased Seth around the halls the whole time. Then I brought him home to have a nap and went back and taught Beehives. We got Bob a fondue pot for father's day. The kids wanted to get him a chocolate fountain, but I didn't want to have to clean it up, so we decided on a fondue pot. So we'll use that later today.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
June 6
The kids are all out of school for summer! They had their last day on Wednesday. Danny and Rachel both got awards for getting all A's all year. And Danny got the Library award for having the most AR (Accelerated Reader) points in the whole second grade. They're points for reading books and taking tests on them. He got that award in first grade too. He had so many points this year because he read five Harry Potter books this year and those are really more of at least a 4th grade level book. We're so proud of both of them. They're also keeping up piano lessons for most of the summer. Danny likes it, but Rachel loves it. She sits down at the piano for at least an hour a day. She's doing really well.
Aaron and I went to LDS services this week to talk to Paula about his tantrums. He was excited to go. He recognizes that his tantrums are bad and he'd like help to get rid of them. We had a really great session talking about things he could do to fight the "Anger Germs" as he calls them. But, in practice it's so much harder to fight those tantrums than when we were talking to Paula about them. So he's still had plenty of tantrums this week, but it does seem to help talking about what Paula told him when he's in a tantrum. He's better able to calm down since we've talked about it more beforehand. Hopefully we'll continue to make progress.
We introduced the bucket system last week too. We're using dimes for good and pennies for bad. The kids seemed totally on board and it worked like a dream that first day. Until Danny got his first penny. He went ballistic. He's had tantrums every day--I hope it's just him adjusting to being out of school and the heat or something--but they get worse when I tell him he gets a penny. But I think in the end the system will be good. Either way, I'd need something or I think Danny's tantrums could get worse.
Bob and I are going on a trip to San Luis Obispo this week. My mom is going to watch the kids and we're staying for two nights. We're really excited. And we're starting out our celebration early by going to see Cats at Tuacahn before we go. I've always wanted to see Cats, so we thought this would be a great way to see it.
Aaron and I went to LDS services this week to talk to Paula about his tantrums. He was excited to go. He recognizes that his tantrums are bad and he'd like help to get rid of them. We had a really great session talking about things he could do to fight the "Anger Germs" as he calls them. But, in practice it's so much harder to fight those tantrums than when we were talking to Paula about them. So he's still had plenty of tantrums this week, but it does seem to help talking about what Paula told him when he's in a tantrum. He's better able to calm down since we've talked about it more beforehand. Hopefully we'll continue to make progress.
We introduced the bucket system last week too. We're using dimes for good and pennies for bad. The kids seemed totally on board and it worked like a dream that first day. Until Danny got his first penny. He went ballistic. He's had tantrums every day--I hope it's just him adjusting to being out of school and the heat or something--but they get worse when I tell him he gets a penny. But I think in the end the system will be good. Either way, I'd need something or I think Danny's tantrums could get worse.
Bob and I are going on a trip to San Luis Obispo this week. My mom is going to watch the kids and we're staying for two nights. We're really excited. And we're starting out our celebration early by going to see Cats at Tuacahn before we go. I've always wanted to see Cats, so we thought this would be a great way to see it.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
May 30
We're in Visalia right now. We came Friday night. The weather has been great. Yesterday we went to Rotary playland and storybook land in Fresno. The kids all loved it. And they've been playing in the backyard most of the rest of the time. We'll stay until tomorrow afternoon.
I went to LDS Family Services on thursday. I made an appointment to get some help with Aaron. Some days he's ok, but some days are so bad. I just wanted to get some new ideas for things to do to help. I met with Paula Wood. I think she'll be very helpful. She gave me a great idea for a system to work with all the kids to help them get along better. And it'll help with the tantrums. We'll intruduce the system Tuesday night when we get back. It's great timing too because school gets out this week and I hope it'll help with fights and arguments while we're all home together. Then Wednesday I have another appointment to take Aaron to. She's going to talk to him about his tantrums and help him work on them too. I hope he's interested in talking to her. And I hope she can help without having to go too many times. I don't want to take Aaron to counseling really, I just want some advice for us. Plus it's quite expensive.
Here's the system. Each kid gets a bucket. Then every couple of hours when there's been no fighting or tantrums or anything, they each get to put in a blue chip or marble or something. If they tantrum or fight, they get a red one. Then whenever they want me to do something for them or they want a snack, they'll pick a chip out of their bucket and if it's blue they can have it, but red means no. So they have an incentive to have more blues in their bucket. And then I think when they all get a certain amount of blues in their bucket we'll go to the park or to ice cream or something. It seems like a good system. Kind of a lot of work for me, but if it works, it'll be worth it.
Aaron finished preschool and t-ball this week. Danny has a few more games left. Danny and Rachel have a day and a half left of school and then they're done too.
Bob got another job this week. He's doing some programming for a company in Henderson. He'll work there on Fridays. We're hoping after a little while they'll let him just work from home. He thinks he'll like the work. And it'll help us save up money faster. I can't believe how blessed we are with opportunities. Just a couple of years ago, money was soooo tight and stressfull. We had zero savings. But now we've both been able to work extra and we've been budgeting really well. It's not like money has just appeared, we've had to work for it, but we actually have a chance to buy another house sometime in the near future; one with a bigger backyard and a little more space for 5 kids.
I think I felt the baby kick this week. I have another appointment in a week and a half and from there I get to schedule the ultrasound. The kids were asking about it the other day. Danny wanted to know if they could go. I said I think it might be a little crowded but we'd show him pictures. Aaron said he wanted to go when I lay on the table and see the baby. I couldn't believe he remembered that. We took him with us to Seth's ultrasound. He was so little. That's when Bob and I both thought it was a girl and Aaron was absolutely sure it was a boy. Aaron wasn't surprised when he was right. So we might let them go if they still want to when the time comes. I think we'll just get a babysitter for Seth because he'd be the only one that would be difficult in that little room.
I went to LDS Family Services on thursday. I made an appointment to get some help with Aaron. Some days he's ok, but some days are so bad. I just wanted to get some new ideas for things to do to help. I met with Paula Wood. I think she'll be very helpful. She gave me a great idea for a system to work with all the kids to help them get along better. And it'll help with the tantrums. We'll intruduce the system Tuesday night when we get back. It's great timing too because school gets out this week and I hope it'll help with fights and arguments while we're all home together. Then Wednesday I have another appointment to take Aaron to. She's going to talk to him about his tantrums and help him work on them too. I hope he's interested in talking to her. And I hope she can help without having to go too many times. I don't want to take Aaron to counseling really, I just want some advice for us. Plus it's quite expensive.
Here's the system. Each kid gets a bucket. Then every couple of hours when there's been no fighting or tantrums or anything, they each get to put in a blue chip or marble or something. If they tantrum or fight, they get a red one. Then whenever they want me to do something for them or they want a snack, they'll pick a chip out of their bucket and if it's blue they can have it, but red means no. So they have an incentive to have more blues in their bucket. And then I think when they all get a certain amount of blues in their bucket we'll go to the park or to ice cream or something. It seems like a good system. Kind of a lot of work for me, but if it works, it'll be worth it.
Aaron finished preschool and t-ball this week. Danny has a few more games left. Danny and Rachel have a day and a half left of school and then they're done too.
Bob got another job this week. He's doing some programming for a company in Henderson. He'll work there on Fridays. We're hoping after a little while they'll let him just work from home. He thinks he'll like the work. And it'll help us save up money faster. I can't believe how blessed we are with opportunities. Just a couple of years ago, money was soooo tight and stressfull. We had zero savings. But now we've both been able to work extra and we've been budgeting really well. It's not like money has just appeared, we've had to work for it, but we actually have a chance to buy another house sometime in the near future; one with a bigger backyard and a little more space for 5 kids.
I think I felt the baby kick this week. I have another appointment in a week and a half and from there I get to schedule the ultrasound. The kids were asking about it the other day. Danny wanted to know if they could go. I said I think it might be a little crowded but we'd show him pictures. Aaron said he wanted to go when I lay on the table and see the baby. I couldn't believe he remembered that. We took him with us to Seth's ultrasound. He was so little. That's when Bob and I both thought it was a girl and Aaron was absolutely sure it was a boy. Aaron wasn't surprised when he was right. So we might let them go if they still want to when the time comes. I think we'll just get a babysitter for Seth because he'd be the only one that would be difficult in that little room.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
May 23
I've been having trouble breathing for the last week and a half. I feel like my lungs just don't expand enough, kind of like at the end of pregnancy. And then half the time when I take a deep breath to feel better, that still doesn't work and I end up with a headache and feel like I'm suffocating. I thought it must just be related to my pregnancy even though I'm not big yet, but my OB said it wasn't. So they sent me to urgent care and then to talk to my regular dr and then to the ER. They thought it might be a blood clot in my lung, so I had to do x-rays and a ct scan. I wasn't happy with that because that's risky for the baby. But it turned out they couldn't find why I can't breathe. The ER dr said it probably is just some weird reaction to my pregnancy. So it's uncomfortable, but I think I'm getting more used to it and I hope it'll get better soon. And I pray that the radiation from those tests didn't affect the baby.
We told all the kids this week about the baby. They were all so excited. And we've started telling other people. It's fun for it to be more real.
School is almost out and things are winding down. Baseball is almost done. We're getting excited for a change of pace and for all the trips and fun things we have planned.
Bob and I went on a date this weekend to a Chinese buffet. Bob picked it out. It was gross. Danny had his first pack meeting. He was really excited about it.
We told all the kids this week about the baby. They were all so excited. And we've started telling other people. It's fun for it to be more real.
School is almost out and things are winding down. Baseball is almost done. We're getting excited for a change of pace and for all the trips and fun things we have planned.
Bob and I went on a date this weekend to a Chinese buffet. Bob picked it out. It was gross. Danny had his first pack meeting. He was really excited about it.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
May 16
Bob and Aaron are in Virginia. They left on Tuesday and get back on Tuesday. Seth was supposed to go with them. I'd been thinking of all the freedom I'd have with kids in school all day. But Monday night when we started getting things out for the boys to go, I just couldn't do it. Seth had to stay home with me; I'd miss him too much. So Bob and Aaron have been having a great trip. Aaron has loved getting so much attention. And Bob's liked getting to spend time with Aaron without tantrums. It was probably good too because Seth has been getting a tooth this week and he's been a little grumpy, which is not how he normally is.
Danny, Rachel and I had a Harry Potter movie party on Friday night. We watched the 4th movie together. They hadn't seen it yet and we thought it would be a good time while Aaron was gone. We made treats and ordered pizza. They thought it was great.
I had another OB appointment this week. I heard the heartbeat and got to see an ultrasound. It was fun to see it look more babyish than the last times when it was only a few weeks. I think I'm going to switch back to my old doctor, Dr. Kelly. I went to her with Seth and she was really good, but she does surgeries, not appointments on Fridays. So I went to her partner instead so I could go while Bob is off. But I really don't like her. She's a little pushy and doesn't listen to me. So I'll just have to get a babysitter over the summer and in the fall I can take Seth with me if I need to or there's a lady in our ward who babysits if I need.
It was stake conference this weekend. The adult session is always so great. And it's so nice to be able to listen and not have to chase anyone at the same time. The first thing they talked about was marriage and they read a statement about how men aren't supposed to have vasectomies. Bob had suggested that he get one next year because he doesn't want to have any more babies after this one. So I was glad they said something. I guess he won't be doing that.
And I don't feel as final as I thought I would with this baby. Maybe I'm not far along in my pregnancy yet. I remember at the end with Seth and then right after I delivered him I wanted four kids to be enough. It never really felt enough, but I didn't want to have to be pregnant again. And I barely got pregnant with this one--I hadn't really even convinced Bob yet, but he said he would have come around. Bob seems pretty set on no more than five, though. And I don't know if I can handle six. I guess I could though if that's how many Heavenly Father has for me. We'd definitely have to have a bigger house, and a new car. I just thought it would feel more final already.
I'm working more on websites. I have some big projects to get done before the baby. It'll be nice to save up some money too. And Bob got another programming contracting job with a company in Henderson. So he can do a little work on Fridays. We just would really like to be able to make enough money to have a down payment on a bigger house while home prices are still so low. We bought while the market was high, so it seems only fair that we should get to buy when it's low now to even things out.
Danny, Rachel and I had a Harry Potter movie party on Friday night. We watched the 4th movie together. They hadn't seen it yet and we thought it would be a good time while Aaron was gone. We made treats and ordered pizza. They thought it was great.
I had another OB appointment this week. I heard the heartbeat and got to see an ultrasound. It was fun to see it look more babyish than the last times when it was only a few weeks. I think I'm going to switch back to my old doctor, Dr. Kelly. I went to her with Seth and she was really good, but she does surgeries, not appointments on Fridays. So I went to her partner instead so I could go while Bob is off. But I really don't like her. She's a little pushy and doesn't listen to me. So I'll just have to get a babysitter over the summer and in the fall I can take Seth with me if I need to or there's a lady in our ward who babysits if I need.
It was stake conference this weekend. The adult session is always so great. And it's so nice to be able to listen and not have to chase anyone at the same time. The first thing they talked about was marriage and they read a statement about how men aren't supposed to have vasectomies. Bob had suggested that he get one next year because he doesn't want to have any more babies after this one. So I was glad they said something. I guess he won't be doing that.
And I don't feel as final as I thought I would with this baby. Maybe I'm not far along in my pregnancy yet. I remember at the end with Seth and then right after I delivered him I wanted four kids to be enough. It never really felt enough, but I didn't want to have to be pregnant again. And I barely got pregnant with this one--I hadn't really even convinced Bob yet, but he said he would have come around. Bob seems pretty set on no more than five, though. And I don't know if I can handle six. I guess I could though if that's how many Heavenly Father has for me. We'd definitely have to have a bigger house, and a new car. I just thought it would feel more final already.
I'm working more on websites. I have some big projects to get done before the baby. It'll be nice to save up some money too. And Bob got another programming contracting job with a company in Henderson. So he can do a little work on Fridays. We just would really like to be able to make enough money to have a down payment on a bigger house while home prices are still so low. We bought while the market was high, so it seems only fair that we should get to buy when it's low now to even things out.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
May 9
Today is Mother's day. Bob has worked really hard to give me a nice day. I slept in and woke up to eggs and bacon and sausage and biscuits. The kids and Bob all made nice cards for me. Bob got me flowers and a hot air popcorn popper that I've been wanting. He took care of Seth the whole time at church. He made lunch and now he's busy making me cookies. He's so wonderful!
I'm not really sick at all any more. And a lot less tired. But I've been having other new symptoms like a bad taste in my mouth and not being able to breathe (I always have that at the end, but I don't remember having it this early before.). I think I'm 12 weeks now. I'm going in for another appointment on Wednesday. They didn't check for the heartbeat at my last visit and I just want to make sure everything is ok since my symptoms are so different than other pregnancies. I'm usually sick until about 16 weeks. I don't really have any memory of being sick with Rachel, so maybe it means this one is a girl. But I was also nursing while I was pregnant, so that might have made a difference too.
Bob and I went to the temple friday night. We went to 3 baseball and tball games and a practice. I drove my last turn for the carpool of the school year this week. That was a good feeling. We also went to the kids' end of year dance festival at their school.
Bob leaves with Seth and Aaron for VA on Tuesday night. I'm excited for the freedom I'll have, but I know I'll miss them a ton.
I told Aaron about the baby on Monday. I was really tired and needed a nap that day because I got up at 5 to go to a spinning class. Aaron's really been effected by my pregnancy the most because he's home with me all day and he's mostly the one I've been too tired or sick to play with. I think that's been what's setting off his tantrums lately. So I told him I had a secret, that we're going to have another baby. He was super excited. He hopes it's a boy. I thought he'd want to share the news with the other kids at fhe that night, but he didn't want too. He wants to keep that secret for a couple of weeks, he said. And he has. I thought he'd slip up or get too excited to share when the kids were playing together, but he hasn't. He seems to really like having this information that the other kids don't have. So we're letting him keep the secret for a little bit. I think we'll convince him to share the news when he gets back from VA. We can't wait too much longer, I'm already looking chubby. Pretty soon it'll be obvious.
Danny and Rachel have been changing Seth's diaper this weekend. I offered Danny 10 bonuses ($1.00) yesterday to change Seth's soggy diaper. I thought it'd be good for him to learn. He thought it was great--especially the easy money. So he did it again this morning, but after the first time, wet diapers are only worth 2 bonuses. And Seth was just poopy and Rachel offered to change him. She did a great job and wasn't grossed out at all. She earned 10 bonuses. This is going to be a nice system, but a little expensive!
I'm not really sick at all any more. And a lot less tired. But I've been having other new symptoms like a bad taste in my mouth and not being able to breathe (I always have that at the end, but I don't remember having it this early before.). I think I'm 12 weeks now. I'm going in for another appointment on Wednesday. They didn't check for the heartbeat at my last visit and I just want to make sure everything is ok since my symptoms are so different than other pregnancies. I'm usually sick until about 16 weeks. I don't really have any memory of being sick with Rachel, so maybe it means this one is a girl. But I was also nursing while I was pregnant, so that might have made a difference too.
Bob and I went to the temple friday night. We went to 3 baseball and tball games and a practice. I drove my last turn for the carpool of the school year this week. That was a good feeling. We also went to the kids' end of year dance festival at their school.
Bob leaves with Seth and Aaron for VA on Tuesday night. I'm excited for the freedom I'll have, but I know I'll miss them a ton.
I told Aaron about the baby on Monday. I was really tired and needed a nap that day because I got up at 5 to go to a spinning class. Aaron's really been effected by my pregnancy the most because he's home with me all day and he's mostly the one I've been too tired or sick to play with. I think that's been what's setting off his tantrums lately. So I told him I had a secret, that we're going to have another baby. He was super excited. He hopes it's a boy. I thought he'd want to share the news with the other kids at fhe that night, but he didn't want too. He wants to keep that secret for a couple of weeks, he said. And he has. I thought he'd slip up or get too excited to share when the kids were playing together, but he hasn't. He seems to really like having this information that the other kids don't have. So we're letting him keep the secret for a little bit. I think we'll convince him to share the news when he gets back from VA. We can't wait too much longer, I'm already looking chubby. Pretty soon it'll be obvious.
Danny and Rachel have been changing Seth's diaper this weekend. I offered Danny 10 bonuses ($1.00) yesterday to change Seth's soggy diaper. I thought it'd be good for him to learn. He thought it was great--especially the easy money. So he did it again this morning, but after the first time, wet diapers are only worth 2 bonuses. And Seth was just poopy and Rachel offered to change him. She did a great job and wasn't grossed out at all. She earned 10 bonuses. This is going to be a nice system, but a little expensive!
May 3
Bob gave me a blessing for the baby and Aaron because he's been having a really hard time again.
- Comfort
- My sickness and tiredness will continue to get better
- I'll be able to exercise and take care of my body and be healthy to provide what the baby needs
- I'll be able to help Aaron see his value and importance and know he's loved
- I'll be guided in those moments when I need to calm him down and he'll open his mind to listen
- I'll be able to give him and the other kids the attention they need.
- I'll be able to take care of needful things but keep family as my highest priority
Sunday, May 2, 2010
May 2
Danny was baptized yesterday. We're so proud of him. He's such a wonderful boy. My mom and dad and Dustin, Kristal and Casey came. and Linda and Trina. We left the younger kids at home for lunch so it was just a special time for Danny. He requested that we got to Red Lobster for his lunch-he loves seafood and wanted to try lobster. He loved it.
The baptism started at 4:00. Everything went great. He said he felt the spirit then and he was happy. He plans on teaching family home evening on Monday so I look forward to hearing what he has to say.
After the baptism we all went to Uswirl--the kid's favorite ice cream place. He got a few gifts--a CTR tie and a book for him to write his memories in and Rachel made him a new pillow case. Sandy and May from next door came. We were so glad they could make it. They seemed to enjoy it, although it was a little crowded and there was a lot of shuffling of rooms because it was a stake baptism and there were several kids being baptized this month. Danny and I plan to go over and talk to them about it later today.
Aaron has been having a bad week for tantrums. I don't know what sets him off. Everyday has been a real struggle. I tried to see if it was his diet because he is a picky eater and likes a lot of snacks. So I talked with him and he's been trying hard to limit his sugar and make healthier choices. He was pretty cooperative. But this weekend with everyone here, he just ate what he wanted. I'm interested to see when we get back to it this week if that has any affect on his tantrums. He had so many tantrums all weekend with everyone here too.
I've been feeling so much less sick and less tired this week. It just keeps getting better. This is much earlier to get better than with other pregnancies. I don't really have any memories of being sick with Rachel, though, so maybe it means this one is a girl.
The baptism started at 4:00. Everything went great. He said he felt the spirit then and he was happy. He plans on teaching family home evening on Monday so I look forward to hearing what he has to say.
After the baptism we all went to Uswirl--the kid's favorite ice cream place. He got a few gifts--a CTR tie and a book for him to write his memories in and Rachel made him a new pillow case. Sandy and May from next door came. We were so glad they could make it. They seemed to enjoy it, although it was a little crowded and there was a lot of shuffling of rooms because it was a stake baptism and there were several kids being baptized this month. Danny and I plan to go over and talk to them about it later today.
Aaron has been having a bad week for tantrums. I don't know what sets him off. Everyday has been a real struggle. I tried to see if it was his diet because he is a picky eater and likes a lot of snacks. So I talked with him and he's been trying hard to limit his sugar and make healthier choices. He was pretty cooperative. But this weekend with everyone here, he just ate what he wanted. I'm interested to see when we get back to it this week if that has any affect on his tantrums. He had so many tantrums all weekend with everyone here too.
I've been feeling so much less sick and less tired this week. It just keeps getting better. This is much earlier to get better than with other pregnancies. I don't really have any memories of being sick with Rachel, though, so maybe it means this one is a girl.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
April 25
We tried to go camping this weekend with the Salmon's. It was perfect weather and it was going to be a great trip. But we got there at 4:00 just like we always do and it was full! It's never full then. So we hiked and had a bbq and smores with the Salmons. The kids had fun. We stayed until dark. It would have been really fun to stay overnight, but it was nice to sleep in our own beds. Seth also got a cold that night and was up most of the night, so that would have been miserable in a tent.
Saturday was beautiful weather. I cleaned the windows inside and out and Bob cleaned both cars and the kids played. Then we went to the church and played basketball and rode bikes. Aaron learned to ride his two-wheeler yesterday. It was great. He's tried a couple of times before and was too scared. But this time he got it right away. He rode all over the parking lot with Bob running next to him. I could hear him laughing the whole time. He was so proud of himself. There's been a reward offered for a long time that if he learned to ride his bike, he'd get his own scooter. So he got that yesterday too. He had a great day!
Bob and I went on a date last night. We were going to go to the temple, but Seth was sick. So we were going to do sealings so we'd get home sooner. Then we decided we didn't even have time for that and just went to dinner. It turned out to be the best choice. We got home to Seth not sleeping and being all snotty. So I sat and held him for a while and then as soon as I put him in bed, Aaron was up screaming because his stomach hurt. Bob was ready to take him to the doctor, but I sat with him in the bathroom for a long time and it turned out it was just bad digestive issues. So we were glad we came home in time to take care of our boys. And then after all that, they both slept through the night. We were ready for a long night of getting up with our sick boys, but we were pleasantly surprised.
Danny's baptism is Saturday. He's so excited. And we're so proud of him. Everyone is coming in late Friday night and leaving Sunday afternoon. So it will be a super quick trip, but we're so glad they can make it.
Saturday was beautiful weather. I cleaned the windows inside and out and Bob cleaned both cars and the kids played. Then we went to the church and played basketball and rode bikes. Aaron learned to ride his two-wheeler yesterday. It was great. He's tried a couple of times before and was too scared. But this time he got it right away. He rode all over the parking lot with Bob running next to him. I could hear him laughing the whole time. He was so proud of himself. There's been a reward offered for a long time that if he learned to ride his bike, he'd get his own scooter. So he got that yesterday too. He had a great day!
Bob and I went on a date last night. We were going to go to the temple, but Seth was sick. So we were going to do sealings so we'd get home sooner. Then we decided we didn't even have time for that and just went to dinner. It turned out to be the best choice. We got home to Seth not sleeping and being all snotty. So I sat and held him for a while and then as soon as I put him in bed, Aaron was up screaming because his stomach hurt. Bob was ready to take him to the doctor, but I sat with him in the bathroom for a long time and it turned out it was just bad digestive issues. So we were glad we came home in time to take care of our boys. And then after all that, they both slept through the night. We were ready for a long night of getting up with our sick boys, but we were pleasantly surprised.
Danny's baptism is Saturday. He's so excited. And we're so proud of him. Everyone is coming in late Friday night and leaving Sunday afternoon. So it will be a super quick trip, but we're so glad they can make it.
Monday, April 19, 2010
April 19
Danny is really getting into baseball. He had three games last week. The last two games, he got hits every time he was at bat. And one time he even hit a homerun. He's so fun to watch as things click for him--it makes him work even harder to be better.
Rachel and I had "the talk" yesterday. I found out that her friend told her what sex is last week. So on Sunday we all went up to the temple to walk around and Rachel and I went off by ourselves to talk. I think it went pretty well. I explained that it's sacred and it's a special way to make babies. And I told her that satan tries to make it dirty and gross and not very special. Once she understood it's purpose she seemed to really relax. She such a great girl. I love her so much.
Friday night I took Danny, Rachel and Aaaron to the drive in with three of their friends. Bob stayed home with Seth. Because it was too late for Seth and Bob needed to go to bed early for another triathlon. It was at Lake Mead again. He did really well. He did it 30 min faster than the one he did there last fall.
I've been a lot less sick this week. I only took the nausea medicine once. And the week before I was taking one or two a day. So I hope that's ok that I'm not so sick. I'm still super tired though.
Rachel and I had "the talk" yesterday. I found out that her friend told her what sex is last week. So on Sunday we all went up to the temple to walk around and Rachel and I went off by ourselves to talk. I think it went pretty well. I explained that it's sacred and it's a special way to make babies. And I told her that satan tries to make it dirty and gross and not very special. Once she understood it's purpose she seemed to really relax. She such a great girl. I love her so much.
Friday night I took Danny, Rachel and Aaaron to the drive in with three of their friends. Bob stayed home with Seth. Because it was too late for Seth and Bob needed to go to bed early for another triathlon. It was at Lake Mead again. He did really well. He did it 30 min faster than the one he did there last fall.
I've been a lot less sick this week. I only took the nausea medicine once. And the week before I was taking one or two a day. So I hope that's ok that I'm not so sick. I'm still super tired though.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
April 11
I'm so tired. I slept 10 hours last night and I could definitely have a nap now. I had my ultrasound Friday and the heartrate is into the normal zone now. It was 156. So now I just go back to having normal appointments.
The boys started their baseball and tball games this week. It was fun to watch. They were both so excited about it. The thing that'll be the hardest, though is that they have lots of their games on weekdays and Bob doesn't get home until 6:30. With basketball and soccer, the games are always on Saturdays. And Danny went to cub scout day camp this weekend. He adored it. Such fun boy things to do--bb guns and archery and rocks and worms.
Bob's friend, Josh, flew in yesterday to go to a concert with Bob. Then he flew out this morning. It was quick, but Bob had a great time. And I was glad I didn't have to go to the concert.
I had the flu on Tuesday. It was hard to tell if I was getting it or not because I'm already nauseous all the time, but then I got a small fever and achey. But it was just about 24 hours and I was back to my normal sick feelings.
The boys started their baseball and tball games this week. It was fun to watch. They were both so excited about it. The thing that'll be the hardest, though is that they have lots of their games on weekdays and Bob doesn't get home until 6:30. With basketball and soccer, the games are always on Saturdays. And Danny went to cub scout day camp this weekend. He adored it. Such fun boy things to do--bb guns and archery and rocks and worms.
Bob's friend, Josh, flew in yesterday to go to a concert with Bob. Then he flew out this morning. It was quick, but Bob had a great time. And I was glad I didn't have to go to the concert.
I had the flu on Tuesday. It was hard to tell if I was getting it or not because I'm already nauseous all the time, but then I got a small fever and achey. But it was just about 24 hours and I was back to my normal sick feelings.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
April 4
It's Easter. My mom and Dad and Ryan and Venessa and Jeremy came for Easter. They got here on Wednesday night. Ryan and Jeremy brought the stomach flu with them. So far Seth, Rachel and Danny have also gotten it. So we've stayed home mostly this weekend. But it was also conference this weekend so we wouldn't have done too much anyway.
Danny's 8th birthday was Friday. He got fish and chips from Carl's Jr. He had a basketball party and a dinosaur pinata. Then we went to the park and he and Aaron, Bob and my dad played basketball and T-ball for a long time. He said he had a great birthday. We also went to the drive-in on Monday to see "Diary of a Wimpy Kid", a book he's read. He just missed the stake baptisms, so he'll get baptized on May 1. He's really excited. He's such a great boy!
Conference was great. They talked a whole lot about children and how to nurture and teach them. We need to do better with family scripture study. Bob reads to the kids when he tucks them in, but Seth and I are usually in the other room getting him to bed. We have been doing well with our new family motto, though. It is Love, Learn, CTR. We have actions to go with it and we give out awards every Sunday at a family meeting. So all week long we write nominations of things people have done in each area. It gives a good forum to praise the kids for good choices.
Also earlier this week, I was trying to think if there was any questions or special things I should be thinking about for conference. I couldn't think of any, but then we had the missionaries over for dinner and one of them shared a spiritual thought and said he is focusing on what the Prophet is going to tell us. I knew that was what I needed to listen for too. Then when President Monson started speaking today it was about death. At first I was a little nervous because I don't want to learn anything about death. But then I realized that I need to share his message with Sandy, next door, who is dying of cancer. I've been thinking for a while that I need to talk to her. President Monson's talk was wonderful, and was everything I could imagine she should hear. So now I just need to figure out how and when to approach her.
I went to an appointment for my pregnancy last thursday. Things went well. They did an ultrasound then and said I'm due November 18. But it was a few days too early to hear a heartbeat. So I went back this Thursday for another ultrasound. The heartbeat was there, but it was a little slower than it should be. It was 117 and they like it to be between 120 and 180. So I'm going back again this week for another ultrasound. I'm still pretty sick and tired. This week it got pretty bad so I took some of the anti-nausea medicine from the dr. It helped some. So at least I didn't feel sick constantly. If I get busy enough, I can forget about it for a little bit.
Danny's 8th birthday was Friday. He got fish and chips from Carl's Jr. He had a basketball party and a dinosaur pinata. Then we went to the park and he and Aaron, Bob and my dad played basketball and T-ball for a long time. He said he had a great birthday. We also went to the drive-in on Monday to see "Diary of a Wimpy Kid", a book he's read. He just missed the stake baptisms, so he'll get baptized on May 1. He's really excited. He's such a great boy!
Conference was great. They talked a whole lot about children and how to nurture and teach them. We need to do better with family scripture study. Bob reads to the kids when he tucks them in, but Seth and I are usually in the other room getting him to bed. We have been doing well with our new family motto, though. It is Love, Learn, CTR. We have actions to go with it and we give out awards every Sunday at a family meeting. So all week long we write nominations of things people have done in each area. It gives a good forum to praise the kids for good choices.
Also earlier this week, I was trying to think if there was any questions or special things I should be thinking about for conference. I couldn't think of any, but then we had the missionaries over for dinner and one of them shared a spiritual thought and said he is focusing on what the Prophet is going to tell us. I knew that was what I needed to listen for too. Then when President Monson started speaking today it was about death. At first I was a little nervous because I don't want to learn anything about death. But then I realized that I need to share his message with Sandy, next door, who is dying of cancer. I've been thinking for a while that I need to talk to her. President Monson's talk was wonderful, and was everything I could imagine she should hear. So now I just need to figure out how and when to approach her.
I went to an appointment for my pregnancy last thursday. Things went well. They did an ultrasound then and said I'm due November 18. But it was a few days too early to hear a heartbeat. So I went back this Thursday for another ultrasound. The heartbeat was there, but it was a little slower than it should be. It was 117 and they like it to be between 120 and 180. So I'm going back again this week for another ultrasound. I'm still pretty sick and tired. This week it got pretty bad so I took some of the anti-nausea medicine from the dr. It helped some. So at least I didn't feel sick constantly. If I get busy enough, I can forget about it for a little bit.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
March 21
I'm pregnant! I've been wanting another baby, but Bob didn't really. I thought I'd be able to talk him into it by the end of the year. But it surprised us both. I thought I had ovarian cysts again and my cycle had been a little odd. But I never would have thought I'd get pregnant when I did. This baby must be meant to be! Bob was a little shocked, but he's coming around. He says this is definitely the last one. I think I'm ok with that. I don't know if I could handle six or being pregnant six times. I'm really hoping this'll be a girl and I can name her Ruby. But I love our boys and I'd be fine with another one. My pregnancy with Seth was really hard, I'm hoping this one won't be quite as bad. I'm in better shape now and I couldn't exercise that much because of my back last time, but this time I have swimming, so I'm hoping that'll help. And I have an appointment with my doctor this week. I already had one scheduled for the cysts. So I'm hoping by going in early, I can get some Zofran early and that'll help with the sickness. I think I'm due in mid November. Time seems like it goes so fast now, so November doesn't really feel that far away. I hope it goes as fast as it seems like it will.
Yesterday Bob and I went to Sandy, our next door neighbor's, 70th birthday party. We have such great neighbors. We love Sandy and May.
We went camping at Red Rock on Friday night. It wasn't our best campout. Red Rock isn't nearly as fun as Valley of Fire, especially in the campsites. And then it got really cold at night and it was spring break so there were college students driving in and out for most of the night. But the kids still had fun and we cooked hot dogs and smores. We'll go to Valley of Fire next time.
Yesterday Bob and I went to Sandy, our next door neighbor's, 70th birthday party. We have such great neighbors. We love Sandy and May.
We went camping at Red Rock on Friday night. It wasn't our best campout. Red Rock isn't nearly as fun as Valley of Fire, especially in the campsites. And then it got really cold at night and it was spring break so there were college students driving in and out for most of the night. But the kids still had fun and we cooked hot dogs and smores. We'll go to Valley of Fire next time.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
March 14
Bob had an exciting birthday this year. He's been on a lucky streak lately. He listens to talk radio all the time and a couple of weeks ago they were giving away tickets to Nascar weekend. Bob called in and won. I didn't know people really win those things. The prize Bob really wanted was tickets to the MountainWest Basketball tournament. So they started giving them away last week. He called in and won two tickets to the championship game. He was happy about that, but he'd like to go to more than just one game. So there was another giveaway and he called in and won again! He won 2 tickets to the whole thing. Jackpot! He was so proud of himself. And to make it even better, his good friend, Kenton, decided to come out from Chicago to go to all the games together. They even wore matching Cougar shirts (sadly we forgot to take pictures). The night before Kenton came in and the games started, Bob could hardly sleep he was so excited. They spent three days at the basketball games and had a great time! Even when they spent 3 1/2 hours at the DMV together. And Mark was able to join them for a couple of hours on his way through town.
On Bob's actual birthday, we had pizza and sprite and chocolate cake from costco--all Bob's favorites. He got a double glasses case that Rachel made for him in her sewing class; so he can carry his regular glasses and perscription sunglasses at the same time. Danny got him a sudoku book, Aaron got him a baseball tee so they can practice together. And he got new tennis shoes for his upcoming triathlon.
Danny got contacts this week. He realized that it was going to be hard to see the ball in baseball, but didn't want to wear his glasses. My eye dr said he's given contacts to lots of responsible 8-year-olds. And Danny is very responsible. He was so excited. He's been a little less excited the last couple of days as he's realized it's going to take a little while to get good at getting them in, but he'll get the hang of it soon.
Seth is walking really well. He loves it, it makes him so happy to walk all day.
Rachel's sewing lesson was fun this week. She was able to make Bob's present. I think it's going to be really fun to do this with her. It'll be nice to do easy projects like pillows and things where it doesn't matter if you get it just right or not--that's usually the frustrating part of sewing for me. And she loves it.
I'm really loving swimming. I'm still going to my swim class at the gym every wednesday (Seth still doesn't like going to the childcare). I'm getting so much better at swimming. And I go on Mondays by myself and swim a mile.
On Bob's actual birthday, we had pizza and sprite and chocolate cake from costco--all Bob's favorites. He got a double glasses case that Rachel made for him in her sewing class; so he can carry his regular glasses and perscription sunglasses at the same time. Danny got him a sudoku book, Aaron got him a baseball tee so they can practice together. And he got new tennis shoes for his upcoming triathlon.
Danny got contacts this week. He realized that it was going to be hard to see the ball in baseball, but didn't want to wear his glasses. My eye dr said he's given contacts to lots of responsible 8-year-olds. And Danny is very responsible. He was so excited. He's been a little less excited the last couple of days as he's realized it's going to take a little while to get good at getting them in, but he'll get the hang of it soon.
Seth is walking really well. He loves it, it makes him so happy to walk all day.
Rachel's sewing lesson was fun this week. She was able to make Bob's present. I think it's going to be really fun to do this with her. It'll be nice to do easy projects like pillows and things where it doesn't matter if you get it just right or not--that's usually the frustrating part of sewing for me. And she loves it.
I'm really loving swimming. I'm still going to my swim class at the gym every wednesday (Seth still doesn't like going to the childcare). I'm getting so much better at swimming. And I go on Mondays by myself and swim a mile.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
March 7
Seth has been sick all week. Last Sunday after church his fever went up to 104.5 and he kept throwing up. So I took him in to urgent care. They said it was just a virus. So he was really sick for the next couple of days and wasn't getting better. I took him back to the doctor on Wednesday morning. He said Seth had an ear infection and he was worried Seth had pneumonia too. So I spent all morning getting blood work and a chest x-ray and medicine. And then it turned out it wasn't pneumonia, just a virus in his lung with inflamation. But he's been on antibiotics for his ear infection and he's been doing much better. Last night was the first night he's slept through the night in a week. Bob is such a great dad. He slept on Seth's floor almost all week. Seth's also been getting his last molar this week. His walking is getting much better--he's more brave with it. It's fun to watch.
I've been working on two new websites this week. One of them is a newsroom site for United Way and the other is a down syndrome org site for a guy in my ward. I'm using wordpress for both of them. It's been good to learn and the sites are starting to come together.
Bob has been on a lucky streak. Last weekend he won tickets to the Nascar race. He won them by calling in to a radio show. The tickets were worth about $500. We went with Seth and Aaron on Friday. It felt like the movie Cars. It was fun to see. And then Bob and Danny went on Saturday and Bob gave the tickets for Sunday to our neighbor. Then this week Bob has really been wanting to go to the Mountainwest Championship. So he called in to a tv channel earlier this week and won 2 tickets to the final game. And then yesterday he called in to another radio station and won tickets to all the sessions. That was also worth a couple hundred dollars. He's pretty excited. His birthday also falls on the day of the final game, so that worked out really well.
We got together with the Deans this week and had a little olympics. We were supposed to do it last week while the real olympics were going on, but it was Maeli's birthday so we went to her party instead. So Kata made a torch and I made some medals with the button maker. The kids were most interested in playing, but they had fun running some races and having a throwing contest.
The boys started baseball this week. I think they'll both really like it. It's just going to be really time consuming. And Danny finished up basketball. He played really well at his last game. It seems like that happens a lot where he just starts really getting into a rhythm with his sport at the end of the season. But he really liked it and says he wants to do summer basketball too.
Rachel and I started doing a sewing class this week. I didn't want her to feel bad that the boys all have things we're going to, and she didn't have anything. She is doing really well at piano, though. But we started a sewing class for her on wednesdays. We got some fabric and she's been practicing on the sewing machine with scrap fabric. This week, we're going to attempt a pillow. She's really excited about it.
I've been working on two new websites this week. One of them is a newsroom site for United Way and the other is a down syndrome org site for a guy in my ward. I'm using wordpress for both of them. It's been good to learn and the sites are starting to come together.
Bob has been on a lucky streak. Last weekend he won tickets to the Nascar race. He won them by calling in to a radio show. The tickets were worth about $500. We went with Seth and Aaron on Friday. It felt like the movie Cars. It was fun to see. And then Bob and Danny went on Saturday and Bob gave the tickets for Sunday to our neighbor. Then this week Bob has really been wanting to go to the Mountainwest Championship. So he called in to a tv channel earlier this week and won 2 tickets to the final game. And then yesterday he called in to another radio station and won tickets to all the sessions. That was also worth a couple hundred dollars. He's pretty excited. His birthday also falls on the day of the final game, so that worked out really well.
We got together with the Deans this week and had a little olympics. We were supposed to do it last week while the real olympics were going on, but it was Maeli's birthday so we went to her party instead. So Kata made a torch and I made some medals with the button maker. The kids were most interested in playing, but they had fun running some races and having a throwing contest.
The boys started baseball this week. I think they'll both really like it. It's just going to be really time consuming. And Danny finished up basketball. He played really well at his last game. It seems like that happens a lot where he just starts really getting into a rhythm with his sport at the end of the season. But he really liked it and says he wants to do summer basketball too.
Rachel and I started doing a sewing class this week. I didn't want her to feel bad that the boys all have things we're going to, and she didn't have anything. She is doing really well at piano, though. But we started a sewing class for her on wednesdays. We got some fabric and she's been practicing on the sewing machine with scrap fabric. This week, we're going to attempt a pillow. She's really excited about it.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
February 22
We had a nice easy weekend. Friday the kids were out of school, so we went up to Mt Charleston with the Salmons. We had a great time. The kids only lasted about an hour, but that's ok, it was still fun. Celise took some great pictures. Here
We went to a Young Women Fundraiser breakfast on saturday. Then we went to Danny's basketball game where he scored his first real basket (he'd scored a penalty free throw once before). We were so proud of him. Then we got things done around the house and had a family movie night.
Church was great today. We had ward conference. Our stake presidency are amazing.
We went to a Young Women Fundraiser breakfast on saturday. Then we went to Danny's basketball game where he scored his first real basket (he'd scored a penalty free throw once before). We were so proud of him. Then we got things done around the house and had a family movie night.
Church was great today. We had ward conference. Our stake presidency are amazing.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
I feel like a good mom when:
- My kids eat healthy and well-balanced throughout the day.
- I don't raise my voice or loose patience with the kids. I'm able to stay calm and in control.
- I spend time playing with the kids or just being with them while they play.
- I keep the house relatively in order; the house is clean under everything and the clutter is put away.
- I'm organized and use my time well.
- I can see that my kids know I love them; in their face or smile, by them saying they love me, by their contentment.
February 17
We had a fun weekend. We went to Visalia Thursday night and stayed until Monday afternoon. My grandparents were down visiting so we decided to go too. The weather was great and we had such a good time with everyone. Friday I went shopping during the day and at night we got a babysitter and went to the temple with my parents and grandparents. That was really nice.
Saturday we had a great, girly afternoon. My mom and grandma and I took Rachel to the mall and got her ears pierced. She had decided she was ready about a week before and we thought it would be fun to do it with Grandma. She was so brave. She didn't even cry or wimper. She picked some pink sparkly flower earrings. She held my hands while it was done, but then she said they were sore for a couple of hours and then they were fine. She's so happy with her pretty earrings. We also went and picked her out a pretty pink skirt and sweater outfit because it's fun to go shopping on girly outings like that.
We also went out to eat and played the farming game because Bob had never played it before and ate lots of Valentine candy that my mom got from her students. We went to the park, and on Monday we went to my mom's school and played on that playground and in her classroom.
Seth started taking his first steps on his own. He's been loving holding our fingers and walking for the last couple of weeks, but hasn't wanted to even stand on without something to hold on to. But he took his first couple of steps last week at home between Bob and I. And then he took 4 or 5 at a time at my moms. And now he's up to half the length of our big room. He can't stand himself up yet if he falls, though. He's so happy to be walking a little. I've been praying for him for a few weeks to be able to do it. He wants to do it so badly. He just laughs and smiles as he walks now.
Saturday night at my mom's I got sick. I thought I just ate too much Valentine candy, but I was nauseous all night and it didn't go away when I got up. I thought I'd be ok just sitting at church so I went. But then I started getting achy and my skin hurt. So by the end of Sacrament meeting I told Bob I needed him to take me home early. When I walked out into the foyer, things started getting black. So I sat down on one of the couches, but then I thought I needed to throw up, so I went to the bathroom, but as soon as I got in there I passed out. One of the ladies in there told Bob and he came and got me and carried me to the van. I threw up in the bushes and then someone had one of the ward members who is a doctor come talk to me. He thought it was probably because I had a virus and I was dehydrated. Bob took me home and I slept most of the rest of the day. And I was pretty much fine on Monday.
I started taking a Master swim class at the gym. They have a girl who swam in college teaching us how to swim better. I've gone twice now and I love it! I think I'll really like swimming, maybe even like running, especially as I get better at it. My form has already gotten a lot better with just two classes. I take Aaron and Seth to the childcare while I swim because the class is at 10. Aaron loves it, but Seth has cried pretty much the whole time. He's recently started having a little stranger anxiety and he has to miss a nap to go. I feel really bad, but I really like the class. I hope he starts getting used to it there.
Saturday we had a great, girly afternoon. My mom and grandma and I took Rachel to the mall and got her ears pierced. She had decided she was ready about a week before and we thought it would be fun to do it with Grandma. She was so brave. She didn't even cry or wimper. She picked some pink sparkly flower earrings. She held my hands while it was done, but then she said they were sore for a couple of hours and then they were fine. She's so happy with her pretty earrings. We also went and picked her out a pretty pink skirt and sweater outfit because it's fun to go shopping on girly outings like that.
We also went out to eat and played the farming game because Bob had never played it before and ate lots of Valentine candy that my mom got from her students. We went to the park, and on Monday we went to my mom's school and played on that playground and in her classroom.
Seth started taking his first steps on his own. He's been loving holding our fingers and walking for the last couple of weeks, but hasn't wanted to even stand on without something to hold on to. But he took his first couple of steps last week at home between Bob and I. And then he took 4 or 5 at a time at my moms. And now he's up to half the length of our big room. He can't stand himself up yet if he falls, though. He's so happy to be walking a little. I've been praying for him for a few weeks to be able to do it. He wants to do it so badly. He just laughs and smiles as he walks now.
Saturday night at my mom's I got sick. I thought I just ate too much Valentine candy, but I was nauseous all night and it didn't go away when I got up. I thought I'd be ok just sitting at church so I went. But then I started getting achy and my skin hurt. So by the end of Sacrament meeting I told Bob I needed him to take me home early. When I walked out into the foyer, things started getting black. So I sat down on one of the couches, but then I thought I needed to throw up, so I went to the bathroom, but as soon as I got in there I passed out. One of the ladies in there told Bob and he came and got me and carried me to the van. I threw up in the bushes and then someone had one of the ward members who is a doctor come talk to me. He thought it was probably because I had a virus and I was dehydrated. Bob took me home and I slept most of the rest of the day. And I was pretty much fine on Monday.
I started taking a Master swim class at the gym. They have a girl who swam in college teaching us how to swim better. I've gone twice now and I love it! I think I'll really like swimming, maybe even like running, especially as I get better at it. My form has already gotten a lot better with just two classes. I take Aaron and Seth to the childcare while I swim because the class is at 10. Aaron loves it, but Seth has cried pretty much the whole time. He's recently started having a little stranger anxiety and he has to miss a nap to go. I feel really bad, but I really like the class. I hope he starts getting used to it there.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
February 7
Seth and I were sick this week. He got the cold first and then I followed. It was pretty hard to be sick and have to take care of a sick baby at the same time. Thankfully none of the other kids got it.
We've been having a great time with Valentines day around here. I got a bunch of decorations from Target and for FHE we had a family heart attack. We cut out 30 hearts and everyone wrote something they love about everyone else in the family. Then we taped them up all over the kitchen. I love it. I think I want to make that a tradition.
I've been doing the 14 days of Valentines for Bob. I tried last year, but it kind of fizzled out before Valentines. This year I started with more of a plan, so that helped. Most of them have been a little corny, but fun little gifts. I gave him a six pack of crush soda and said I had a crush on him and made some heart-shaped cookies and used window chalk to write all over his windows. I made him heart-shaped eggs and toast and bacon this weekend. It's been fun.
Aaron has also been doing "the secret valentine". I made some cards that say the kids names and then we've had different treats like cookies and suckers and Aaron hides them for everyone else to find. He's put them in Danny and Rachel's lunchbox and on their pillows and at their seat at the table. Danny and Rachel are both baffled. They don't know who the secret valentine is. It's been really fun to watch Aaron while he does it.
Bob took Rachel to the Daddy Daughter dance at her school this week. They both loved it. I'm glad they have that fun activity for the girls. I took both Rachel and Aaron on dates this weekend. Aaron went to McDonalds and Rachel and I went to buy nail polishes. Bob took Danny to the Rebel v. BYU basketball game.
We've been having a great time with Valentines day around here. I got a bunch of decorations from Target and for FHE we had a family heart attack. We cut out 30 hearts and everyone wrote something they love about everyone else in the family. Then we taped them up all over the kitchen. I love it. I think I want to make that a tradition.
I've been doing the 14 days of Valentines for Bob. I tried last year, but it kind of fizzled out before Valentines. This year I started with more of a plan, so that helped. Most of them have been a little corny, but fun little gifts. I gave him a six pack of crush soda and said I had a crush on him and made some heart-shaped cookies and used window chalk to write all over his windows. I made him heart-shaped eggs and toast and bacon this weekend. It's been fun.
Aaron has also been doing "the secret valentine". I made some cards that say the kids names and then we've had different treats like cookies and suckers and Aaron hides them for everyone else to find. He's put them in Danny and Rachel's lunchbox and on their pillows and at their seat at the table. Danny and Rachel are both baffled. They don't know who the secret valentine is. It's been really fun to watch Aaron while he does it.
Bob took Rachel to the Daddy Daughter dance at her school this week. They both loved it. I'm glad they have that fun activity for the girls. I took both Rachel and Aaron on dates this weekend. Aaron went to McDonalds and Rachel and I went to buy nail polishes. Bob took Danny to the Rebel v. BYU basketball game.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
January 31
Seth turned one on Wednesday. Seth is such a wonderful boy. He's so happy and mild. He loves his silkies ("gigies") and reading books. He also loves anything we use a lot--the computer keyboard and mouse, all the phones and remotes and the piano. He's having fun learning to walk and can't get enough of holding my fingers to get around. He loves his brothers and sister and puts up with their constant hugs and kisses. He's such a sweet boy and he's a great snuggler.
Friday night was new beginnings. They have a sleep over in our ward for new beginnings. It was really fun to hang out with the girls. I feel like I'm starting to build relationships with the girls. It's a good feeling. We had a spa night and the bishopric spoke. I stayed until 2 am and then went home to sleep in my own bed.
Saturday night Bob surprised me and took me on a date to the movies and dinner. It was nice to spend time with him.
I'm going to work on earning the Young Women medallion by May when they award the medallions for the year. It's been really great to get started on it. I was worried at first that I might not have enough time to get it done, but so many of the things it asks you to do, I'm already doing as a wife and mother. It's such an inspired program that really does help prepare the girls.
Friday night was new beginnings. They have a sleep over in our ward for new beginnings. It was really fun to hang out with the girls. I feel like I'm starting to build relationships with the girls. It's a good feeling. We had a spa night and the bishopric spoke. I stayed until 2 am and then went home to sleep in my own bed.
Saturday night Bob surprised me and took me on a date to the movies and dinner. It was nice to spend time with him.
I'm going to work on earning the Young Women medallion by May when they award the medallions for the year. It's been really great to get started on it. I was worried at first that I might not have enough time to get it done, but so many of the things it asks you to do, I'm already doing as a wife and mother. It's such an inspired program that really does help prepare the girls.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
January 24
Rachel and I had a date this week. We went to Disney on Ice with Savannah and Kata Dean. We had a great girls night. Bob watched all the 6 other kids because Collin had to go out of town. He even volunteered to do it. He's such a great man! And we drove down to the show. It was raining a ton. We all got soaked shoes walking in and out. It was so fun to be with my sweet girl. She loved Ariel the most.
Rachel also did a cheerleading camp on Saturday done by the high school cheerleaders. Jaclyn went too. She said she had a fun time. She was sure cute there.
We went to Danny's basketball game on Saturday and then I signed up Danny and Aaron to play baseball and teeball in the spring. Bob is so excited. I think the boys are too.
Tonight we went to Danny's baptism preview. I can't believe he's old enough to get baptized. He's such a great kid! And he's super excited to get baptized. He'll get baptized on May 1.
It rained all week last week. Bob said we got more rain last week than all last year. So on Friday we took the kids out of school a little early to go up and play in the snow. We couldn't get high enough to do some good sledding because it started snowing again and we didn't have chains. But we found a good place to get out and play in the snow. We had a great time.
Rachel also did a cheerleading camp on Saturday done by the high school cheerleaders. Jaclyn went too. She said she had a fun time. She was sure cute there.
We went to Danny's basketball game on Saturday and then I signed up Danny and Aaron to play baseball and teeball in the spring. Bob is so excited. I think the boys are too.
Tonight we went to Danny's baptism preview. I can't believe he's old enough to get baptized. He's such a great kid! And he's super excited to get baptized. He'll get baptized on May 1.
It rained all week last week. Bob said we got more rain last week than all last year. So on Friday we took the kids out of school a little early to go up and play in the snow. We couldn't get high enough to do some good sledding because it started snowing again and we didn't have chains. But we found a good place to get out and play in the snow. We had a great time.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
January 17
We've been having a great little home vacation this weekend. We all have Friday and Monday off. So we've just been having a good time being together. Yesterday we had the Deans over and then Danny and Bob and CJ and Collin went to the UNLV basketball game. Aaron and Rachel and I rented a movie and made bracelets. Aaron liked it almost as much as Rachel did. He kept making bracelets for me.
Aaron's plan isn't working as well as I hoped. He doesn't nap and barely lays down, but his tantrums have been a little better.
My finger hurts. I smashed it in the folding camping chair when I was setting it up today to watch the kids ride bikes and scooters, so this is all I'm writing today.
Aaron's plan isn't working as well as I hoped. He doesn't nap and barely lays down, but his tantrums have been a little better.
My finger hurts. I smashed it in the folding camping chair when I was setting it up today to watch the kids ride bikes and scooters, so this is all I'm writing today.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
January 10
We had a great New Year's. We had a party at home with the kids. We had treats and fireworks. We had a wii tournament and played board games. Then we watched the ball drop in New York at 9:00 and went to bed.
The next morning we got up and drove to Utah. We had a fun-packed trip. As soon as we got there we got the kids all dressed in their new snow gear and went sledding. The kids LOVED it. We left Seth with Linda. We stayed for about three hours. We made a snowman and sledded. All the kids were in heaven. Then the next morning we got up and went again for another hour and a half. Then we left the kids with Linda and Bob had lunch with Josh while I had lunch with Amanda. Then we went bowling at BYU and at night we went to a BYU basketball game. Then Sunday morning we went to church and came home.
Danny started basketball and he and Rachel started piano lessons.
This weekend I went on a YW leaders retreat. We left Friday afternoon and went up to someone's cabin outside of St. George. There are 12 YW leaders because there are so many girls. We had a great time. We went to dinner and stayed up and talked and ate a ton until 3 in the morning. It was fun to get to know everyone better and have girls night. Bob did great at home with the kids.
One of my New Year's resolutions is to be better at my scripture study. I've decided to study by topics. This month I'm working on faith. And a started a notebook where I keep a record of what I read and what I learned or impressions I received. I thought that would be hard to do, but so far it's been fun and easy.
Another resolution is to do more service. I signed our family up to make blankets for a nonprofit. Disneyland has a program where if you give a day of service you can get a free ticket to Disneyland. We're all excited about the program. I think it'll be a great first exposure to service for the kids. Then I'll look into more ideas for projects we can do in the future. I'm also going to see if I can find a nonprofit or two that I can make a website for. I tried to do that a year or so ago and nothing ever came of it. So this time I'll follow up better and make sure I find some way to help.
Aaron and I have "plan" for his tantrums. He doesn't like them either, so he welcomed my help. The tantrums are at the very worst when he's either tired or hungry. So he has to make sure he eats something right when he wakes up and he has to take a nap on Monday and Wednesday afternoons. But on those mornings he'll also get to pick something fun for the two of us to do. This week his tantrums were much better than last week. So I'm really hopeful that this plan will be quite successful.
The next morning we got up and drove to Utah. We had a fun-packed trip. As soon as we got there we got the kids all dressed in their new snow gear and went sledding. The kids LOVED it. We left Seth with Linda. We stayed for about three hours. We made a snowman and sledded. All the kids were in heaven. Then the next morning we got up and went again for another hour and a half. Then we left the kids with Linda and Bob had lunch with Josh while I had lunch with Amanda. Then we went bowling at BYU and at night we went to a BYU basketball game. Then Sunday morning we went to church and came home.
Danny started basketball and he and Rachel started piano lessons.
This weekend I went on a YW leaders retreat. We left Friday afternoon and went up to someone's cabin outside of St. George. There are 12 YW leaders because there are so many girls. We had a great time. We went to dinner and stayed up and talked and ate a ton until 3 in the morning. It was fun to get to know everyone better and have girls night. Bob did great at home with the kids.
One of my New Year's resolutions is to be better at my scripture study. I've decided to study by topics. This month I'm working on faith. And a started a notebook where I keep a record of what I read and what I learned or impressions I received. I thought that would be hard to do, but so far it's been fun and easy.
Another resolution is to do more service. I signed our family up to make blankets for a nonprofit. Disneyland has a program where if you give a day of service you can get a free ticket to Disneyland. We're all excited about the program. I think it'll be a great first exposure to service for the kids. Then I'll look into more ideas for projects we can do in the future. I'm also going to see if I can find a nonprofit or two that I can make a website for. I tried to do that a year or so ago and nothing ever came of it. So this time I'll follow up better and make sure I find some way to help.
Aaron and I have "plan" for his tantrums. He doesn't like them either, so he welcomed my help. The tantrums are at the very worst when he's either tired or hungry. So he has to make sure he eats something right when he wakes up and he has to take a nap on Monday and Wednesday afternoons. But on those mornings he'll also get to pick something fun for the two of us to do. This week his tantrums were much better than last week. So I'm really hopeful that this plan will be quite successful.
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